Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 6th March, 2025)
thats the cemetery not boars head.
The fence I've known for yonks
When sturdy and strong ,
The lads tight roped along it's length
But never reached it's interminable end ,
Yet the grass was deep and soft
When you fell off ,
And the endless summers burned ;
Each March a gust blows down a post
Or loosens a nail and another rail drops ;
The deer have wrecked it much ,
Like Beecher's after the National .
Not a lot of use any more ,
Hardly a right angle left ! It's just there waiting ....
That old fence I've known for years .
I know this fence very well and have seen the animals who are responsible for breaking the fence.
It's the deer; they jump over and kick back at the top, and this knocks it off.
I've also witnessed them doing it in the paddock which is at the front of my 4-bedroom house.
Another beautiful photo once again Poet.
Wigan Mick, isn't the Cemetery at Boar's Head. So for me, Boar's Head is correct.
Stunning photo, Poet.
I’m not quite sure of where you are stood Poet but it looks to be the back of the houses on Wigan Road to the left and the houses at the top of Wigan Lane to the right?
If so I think there are, or were plans to build a road across there to connect with the M6 at Shevington, effectively a Standish Bypass.
All of which are in the vicinity of Boars Head.
Isn't it lovely, Poet, when something from your childhood/youth is still there? It may not mean anything to people who didn't know it then but it brings back so many memories for those who were there. It reminds me of Rupert Brooke's poem, "For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever", and your lovely photo makes us feel that Spring is on the way.
By his tone again this morning, I think Mick yet again got out on the wrong side of the bed with his Knees playing up. Take your prescribed medicine Mick and give us all a rest.
How many Micks on here.
Mick... Slippery Mick....Mick in Space....Wigan Mick.
Anyway, lovely photo Poet.
Someone's taking the Mick, Peter.
Cracking photo once again, Poet.
The cemetery is in Gidlow. I imagine that’s why it’s called Gidlow cemetery. Boar’s Head is a pub in Standish.
Mick...Just what does your 4 bedroomed house have to do with this? or are you just letting us know that you are keeping up with the Jones's
Lovely words Poet and as Irene says it’s a memory from your boyhood that has lasted even though the fence is crumbling ..but no wonder with the action it’s had!
I’m a bit mesmerised with one of the gang of Micks in that he needs to provide how many bedrooms there is in his house. Is he advertising for tenants?
Perhaps the gang of Micks all live together and they have their own bedrooms in Big Mick’s house.
I have a picture of the gang of Micks sat round the fire.
“You go first Slippery Mick’’
“No you go first I went last time”.
“Now look here I’m still in Space let Wigan Mick go”.
“ It’s not fair it’s allus me and I get all the flack”.
Next thing Big Mick’s wife shouts .
.” Are you coming to bed or not?”
“ Yes love I’m coming up now just making some cocoa”.
The Bus Stops on Wigan Road and Wigan Lane are Boars Head Reservoir snd just Boars Head and the entire area even the top of Chorley Road is known as Boars Head. The Railway Bridge and even the old Railway Station and Signal box were known as Boars Head.
So anyone living in that area would say they live in or at Boars Head.
The Cemetery is known as Gidlow Cemetery perhaps as Gidlow Lane does extend north of Spencer Road all the way to the Gidlow Houses at the back of the Cemetery but I think most people in that area would say that they live in Whitley, all the houses being built on Whitley Fields.
So I think it being named Gidlow Cemetery might be correct but it is a bit misleading.
4 bed semi-detached suburban Mr Byrne, why boast because surely no one on here is at all bothered, also there are plenty people living hand to mouth on the streets who too could have said much or more the same, but they'll tell you that through no fault of their own one minute they had plenty and living a nice life, the next it was all gone.
It's not my fault that people follow me around on here just trying to discredit me.
For your information, yesterday I received a letter from NHS saying that I was due a knee x-ray on my knee replacement which is one old now, and to
phone any of 3 numbers, I phoned Wrightington hospital, and was given one for 12.15 today I arrived early and went in at 11.45, job done back home again at 12.10 eating my dinner, hows that for you NHS.
So what I'm saying is it's not me and never has been me, who is making these daft comments, but if you do see a comment that makes sense, then that will be one of mine.
The fence reminds me of those Whitefriars glass vases 'Drunken Bricklayer' as they too look rickety, so I'm not surprised everyone fell off it Poet.
The field looks to have subsided with mine workings in a few places, and there was at one time close to Wigan Road a large dip which always flooded whenever it rained and remained a pond for some time, though when going past some time ago it looked to have been filled and levelled.
Is Gidlow Cemetery in Wigan or Standish? Or half an half? Or does nobody give a monkey’s chuff?
I asked Mick and he said it was in Wigan. And he knows, you know.