Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 5th March, 2025)
Peace Perfect Peace

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
Who needs to go to the lakes or over on the moors with scenery like this on our doorstep.Were I live 10/15 mins walk had I am in the town centre.10/15 mins walk the other way and I am surrounded by countryside
What could be a more English scene than that ?
We should think ourselves lucky that there are still places of beauty in this land of ours. Thanks Dennis.
A lovely patchwork view of the rolling countryside with a promise of better weather to come after a long Winter. Makes you want to get up and go!
Dennis, I just had to comment again, this photo contains everything you could wish for in a picture, it’s so clear, detailed and proportioned, I cannot top looking at it.
Outstanding, thank you.
Very little has changed in that view Dennis.
Was in Horwich for my last uncle's funeral last week and called in at St Elizabeth's.
All good and well kept - but the roads, traffic and pot holes, horrendous.
What a wonderful view to wake up to this morning.
This morning has been a mad rush as someone is coming to do a job on our chimney and I have been in a flat spin getting breakfast out of the way, but I couldn't resist my morning look at p-a-d, where I saw this photo, and it just seemed to whisper "calm down....there's all the time in the world". Thankyou, Dennis!
Absolutely beautiful photo of a lovely area,well done.
This is what PaD is all about, fantastic views and feeling good.
Dennis brilliant.
A splendid picture Dennis . Great Hill and Anglezarke Moor in the background I believe . A brilliant walk from Brinscall to Belmont all along the ridge with views of the Lakeland fells .
' These boots were made for walking ' ........ now why am I whistling that tune this fine morning ?
So peaceful and calm. Truly beautiful. Thank you Dennis.
Lovely Dennis one of my favourite places Toddington thankyou for cheering me up today lovely photo.
neigh lad, cawr thi'sel deawn und enjoy view, gud un D.
Tha shud have geet the horses lift their heads up
Nay Grasscutter, would thye like it if thi missus pooed thi yed off thi plate just fert tek thi picture?
It’s me again Dennis, don’t know about Theodore Major but this is deserving of a place in Haigh Hall. Get it printed off large scale on canvas. I would go to view it and pay!
Wonderful photo Dennis, it would make a superb wall mural, or as Hilda would say 'murial.'
No, Colin blowing Dennis's photo up wouldn't be any good as it's already out of focus, so any attempt to make it bigger would make it more out of focus.
Just saying that's all.
And like grasscutter says, it would have looked better with the horses' heads up, and that could be easily done by making a clapping noise or maybe a whistle.
Is Toddington a real place?
My mate says it’s not and he should know because he lives right there where the photo was taken from.
I don't find it out-of-focus at all, and, even if it were, sometimes that can even give a photo a more gentle, dream-like quality. The fact that the horses are quietly grazing rather than looking up, startled by a noise, only adds to the tranquility and peacefulness of the scene. A perfect moment, captured for our enjoyment by Dennis. Thankyou.
Do we detect a touch of the green eyed monster here Irene?
I knew you would find it out of focus Irene, but I do, but that doesn't mean I'm bothered about it, I'm just pointing out to Colin that it would be no good blowing it up because then it would be even more out of focus.
I didn't mean to startle them, just a noise that would make them look up If I was taking your photo, I would say, Say Cheese, and you would look towards the camera smiling the best you could.
Irene hope your chimney got repaired, if you want Garry to come and make your coalfire, I'm sure he would, his payment a glass of sherry.
Fantastic photo Dennis.
Great photo Dennis it’s no wonder people stop commenting with all false named people just after causing disruption,disgraceful behaviour from so called adults.
Thanks for all your good comments folks, glad you liked the photo.
John Boy, have you ever considered that some of the comments that you disapprove of could be coming from the lady members of WW?
John Howfen....exactly, that's what happened to Garry last year. Disgraceful behaviour by many made up names who insulated his intelligence.
Great photo Dennis it’s no wonder people stop commenting with all false named people just after causing disruption,disgraceful behaviour from so called adults.