Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 4th March, 2025)
You would think this was a street in the 3rd world and not Standish, The holes are so deep I just ride on the footpath.
Goodness me Poet, that’s one for The Guinness Book Of Records.
Is someone up there collecting them for a hobby or are they making a war film?
That photo should be sent to the Local Councillor, you know, one of those people who pop up every few years when there’s an election so they can get their photo in the paper!
I don’t think there is a ‘ Collective Noun’ for Pot Holes but ‘A Plethora’ seems appropriate.
Is this street unadopted if so the council will then have nothing to do with it?
I think it must be an unadopted road PeterP...never seen one as bad as that !
The council here make some small lanes into ' C ' class roads to they don't have to maintain them.
War film indeed Colin. . It reminded me of Port Stanley runway after it was bombed by the RAF to stop the Argentine fighters taking off. . Perhaps there's some similar high policy to prevent the motorist from doing so .
Yes it’s unadapted.
It’s a pity coal fires are rare these days. Neighbours could have got together to keep putting a shovel full of cinders in those ‘sink holes’ ….Surely the road can’t be unadopted when it leads to the front of the houses. Probably made worse with the bin wagons.
Left just like the other lot who was in and know even going to get worse with these muppets running the country they need to concentrate on issues here instead of sucking up to other countries what a load of clowns we have running this country.
Unacceptable and dangerous, the Councils need to get a grip with all these potholes and do it quickly.
According to local Folklore Quakers Place got its name after 1745 when Bonny Prince Charlie camped for the night in Standish with his ‘Gathering’ of Scottish Clans.
In those days it was a quiet country lane, so taking the opportunity of the local wenches they went down there to ‘Sew Their Wild Oats’.
So in conclusion and if you believe all that, if it is Unadopted perhaps it should be Adopt by the SNP and repairs paid for out of the Barnet Formula :-)
The lovely Irene described yesterday's photo taken by Dennis as a sight for sore eyes. Maybe, she will describe today's photo as an eyesore, because that is what it is.
I can't understand with Standish being famous for its Quakers connection, they neglect this village centre unadopted street to remain like it is, I use it a lot, but I can cycle on the footpath to avoid those deep holes, but the mothers rushing to collect their children from the school who use it as a rat run can't do that they have to drive over these deep holes.
Irene, before you ask, it's just around the corner from the chemist where you used to work.
Come on you Standishers, start a campaign to get this historical street adopted.
I bet no councillors live in that street, and if, as Veronica says, the neighbours got together to try to fill in the holes themselves, they would be stopped by the authorities and told it wasn't allowed. I imagine a number of residents will have tried to get help over the years by telephone, only to hear a disembodied voice saying " Please don't hang up; Your call is important to us .... you are 46th in the queue".
That's a good one, Colin, A Plethora of Potholes, I bet the Guinness Book of records would be interested in making a film of these Standish holes if the voice of Standish got in touch with them.
Veebs, the binmen only come once a week, so it's not them who are spoiling the road surface, like was said its unadopted, but it gets made worse by Standish mothers driving their 4x4s over them at speed as they take the short bumpy cut to there kids school.
Ozy, I see your pal Mick was up late last night in fact so late that he was the first one to make a comment.
Yes, you could be right ex wiganer why bother about the potholes in Ukraine & Gaza.
It has a pavement to each side of the road, so not too sure if it is unadopted.
Still, it needs doing.
Just how do you grip a pothole? maybe all the commentators should join up and fill them in rather than keyboard clicking
There’s too many ‘Micks’ on here…they can’t all be him!
Colin I’m trying to imagine oats being ‘sewn’ into a piece of tartan.
Fill the holes with Quaker Oats . Bit of water . It should harden like cement overnight .
I thought that with the pavements at each side Malc. Strange…
No, no councillors live in that street irene roberts not only that the also dont live near them people who they keep letting them come to this country, this country is now a 3rd world country and our own people are just letting it happen like everything else.
I read the news today, oh boy!
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
Four thousand holes in Standish, Lancashire
And though the holes are rather small
I had to count them all
Now I know how many holes it takes to fill the Parish Hall.
Why Marion do people like you always have to play the racist card? Race or Immigrants has nothing to do with it.
If the road is Unadopted, the local residents should pay for it themselves if they have any pride, not the local council out of other peoples council tax, we pay out enough.
Immediately brings to my mind the well known line in “A day in the life” from Sergeant Pepper - 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. It seems that Blackburn then was worse than Standish today. The mathematics in the article which inspired the line in 1967 was 1 pothole per 26 people in Blackburn. Does anyone know the current Standish ratio?
marion if you Standishers didnt eat so much foreign takeaway food, and have Turkish haircuts, you wouldnt have so many people coming over here from the third world.
Councillors George Davies and Ray Whittingham raised their concerns about the state of this unadopted road in June 2022, as can be seen in this WEP article:
That’s the crux of the matter too much money being paid out from our taxes into other areas. It means there’s nothing to spare for local work that needs carrying out. Those holes could sink even more if there’s nothing done about them. Theres probably old mine workings underneath the ground.
Ex Wiganer take a bow, your absolutely right. I am really disappointed with Labour and all their policies.
Parliament should only be in power every three years and not five.
So they can get voted out sooner.
I may be wrong but i think this once Quakers Yard and there are only 3 or 4 houses in it,so rather expensive for the residents to pay for any improvements. Maybe when the council are enlarging the car park lower down the road there could possibly be some tarmac left over to fill some of the holes
Is there a Quaker's Terrace in Standish too? Just a vague memory from when I worked in the chemists 50 years ago.
I wonder how many unadopted roads there are in the borough of Wigan?
Irene , Quaker's Terrace is off Preston Road, near Pepper Lane .
The Friend's Burial Ground is also there . John Haydock who died at Lancaster Jail in 1719 lies there .
He was the last Quaker ever to be imprisoned for his religious beliefs .
Here was the location of the first meeting house before they moved to the site now know as Quaker's Place .
They say the roads were bad in those days .
PeterP, I think it Beech Walk further up School Lane at the side of St Marie’s that’s also Unadopted. You could drive up it at one time but quite a few years ago they put bollards up to stop them accessing the new building houses on Green Lane.
Owd Reekie, spot on, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. One of the best Albums ever made, it was revolutionary in 1967 nothing had ever been recorded like that before. George Martin had a major influence on the Beetles success and although I think Knighted, he is these days almost forgotten for his contributions to popular music.
Mick your spot on they should only be in power for two years
Irene now that's an eye sore. Infact you need to wear sunglasses.
Add rubber ducks to the water feature and invite the media.
Local citizen you need to wake up if you watched the news everyday people are coming here illegally and whos footing the bill all that money they give them free could have been spent in other departments such as giving money to local councils so that we could get those potholes gone and thats a fact!
There was another track on Sergeant Pepper called 'Fixing A Hole' .
What could be the Collective Noun for a ‘Flock Of Mick’s’ ?
Thankyou so much, Poet. That was very interesting to read.
Seems like Marion has been reading the Daily Mail.
No bollards on Green Lane
Irene, now don't forget what you have been told so you won't have to ask again.
An obscuration of Micks.
Such snobbery regarding newspapers as if ‘The Guardian’ is the only paper you should read. Well said Marion.
I was about to post the same sentiment Veronica . These types think they're intellectually superior to everyone else .
It seems like we have 2 Daily Mail readers in our midst. Veronica, do you have it delivered to your home each day?
I wouldn’t wrap fish and chips in any of these
‘ politically correct’ rags….
You can see with your own eyes what is happening on the doorstep of this country.
D D my favourite journalist is Andrew Neil…straight from the hip no nonsense!
I haven't read a daily newspaper for forty years, and last time I read one the only thing you could believe was the date....I doubt much has changed. But when I lived with my parents before I married, they used to get The Daily Mirror, and I used to like "Andy Capp" , "The Perishers" and "Live Letters". Remember those?? And Marjorie Proops' Problem Page?!
Peter ‘P’ (for perfect). Do you realise how snooty and smug you come across as? I see men buying ‘The Guardian’ or one of the other high priced newspapers in the supermarket and rolling it up carefully under their arm as if to say “ I am an intellectual don’t you know?”. I have a couple of teacher friends who say “Oh I only read the Guardian” as if it’s the Bible! Anyway to sum up it’s nothing to do with you what newspapers folk read. I don’t waste money on having a newspaper delivered either. I can form my own opinions of which I am entitled to.
Ps Peter I do buy The Mail on Saturday as I enjoy the well written essays - whether I agree or not with them is not the point. Oh! And I like the TV Supplement.
Beg pardon it’s Paul P.
Not Peter P.
Dear o dear. Someone has been working herself up into a frenzy for no reason. Just come across this by chance and am shocked . Veronica, no one has even mentioned the Guardian except you. I only referred to you being a Daily Mail reader, which you are as one of your postings states. Try to calm down as life is too short.
You’re very much mistaken. But it’s not very nice to belittle people for what you presume is a newspaper they read and one you don’t think much of obviously.