Photo-a-Day (Monday, 3rd March, 2025)

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
What beautiful photo to wake up to thank you Dennis
Spring is round the corner and we can all start with our planting. The plants around the stable block must be uplifting for visitors to see a bit of colour at last after the winter months.
A lovely selection of Primrose plants, these are fantastic Winter plants to bring colour to our gardens during the cold dark days of Winter, and they work.
Lovely display.
I forgot to say that I know this flower bed very well and I've always liked the way the gardeners have made a feature out of that concrete bucket.
Lovely, bright photo Dennis !
The garden is covered with a thick white frost here & the Polys are having a hard time.
Now that's another sight for sore eyes, like Colin''s beautiful scene yesterday. These are the photos we need to cheer us as we leave Winter behind. Lovely, Dennis! Thankyou.
The planting at the restaurant is looking ok.
They do say pansies taste like lettuce ?
I would prefer Iceberg, thank you very much.
Good photo.
The wild primroses that have been out a few weeks are lovely but they look a tad anaemic at the side of these. They last longer though. Lovely splash of colour today.
Lovely Dennis, just lovely.
A profusion of colour like no other spring flowers, I must get some for my garden to brighten up these dull days.
Pardon me for interrupting Dennis but I just put a final comment this morning on yesterday’s PAD photo, for those who posted comments on, please read it when it appears.
Thank you all.
Blooming lovely.
Lovely colourful photo
Now that's another sight for sore eyes?? At 08:06.
That's a really good colourful Spring photo Dennis, just beautiful.
I think Irene meant she likes it, Kath.
Good photo Dennis. Spring is almost here and the plants are in glorious colours to prove it. Buds and bursting through my trees now and birds singing, what more do we want. The Weather forecast for this week is going to be brilliant.
I think what Irene means, she likes it, Kath, but in a funny kind of way.
I went to ince park this afternoon with the dog, the Spring flowers have burst into life, plenty or Crocuses and Dafs.
Dennis your photo today is beautiful and very nice to see.
I love Haigh Hall and spent most of my childhood there with my friends.
Aspuller I bet your area is full of Spring bulbs now.
Marvellous photo Dennis, it makes you come alive. Goodbye Winter.
Kath, you've lost me there as you seem to have misunderstood my meaning....."A sight for sore eyes" is an expression I have known all my life.....It just means a sight that brings pleasure.....perhaps you haven't heard that expression before? So "ANOTHER sight for sore eyes" meant that it is yet another photo that brings pleasure after Colin's lovely photo yesterday. That's all I meant. I just assumed that everyone knew what it meant and apologise if you haven't heard it before and had misunderstood my meaning.
A Sight for sore eyes, means pleasing to the eye in my book.
It's a pleasure to see. It's good.
I must confess I've never heard of that frase. But who I'm I.
Thanks Irene.
‘A sight for sore eyes is a well known saying and I’m truly surprised that it isn’t so very well known.
Dennis..your photo IS a sight for sore eyes and would cheer anyone certainly has cheered me after the long Winter that we’ve all had.
Plenty changes going on at Haigh Hall at the moment, most of the scaffolding as been removed around the Hall and up the hill in front of the Stable Block, an Amphitheatre as been constructed with a
“Handkerchief Tree” as a setting for weddings and other occasions.
Other work is going on around the Fish Pond and other areas.
It should all be finished by Summer.
You’ll have plenty inspiration Dennis I look forward to seeing new subjects up there. I’m looking forward to the bonny Bluebells though.
The hanky tree appeared to have a golden fence around it when I was looking at it the other day.
No sign of any snowdrops in my gardens?
Peterp you will do if it snows.