Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 21st January, 2025)

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
What a lovely place Aspull is it is one of the nicest
villages around Wigan including Standish where my
Late wife lived all her life,I now live in Ashton but still
Carry a lot of good memories of these two places.
Where ever you look in Aspull, you see beautiful houses and the place is so different than other parts of Wigan.
I really love this photo Dennis, it's full of character, the cold frosty morning brings these cosy houses to life.
It looks bright, clean and well maintained. Nice shot.
Beautiful old house although I wouldn’t have known it was so old looking at it. I bet the deeds are interesting to read.
Next door’s stone cottage on the left is lovely as well. It looks older than the dated one.
My favourite area of Wigan and District! Lovely pic of well-kept old stone house.
There are quite a few houses in Aspull with those little porches on the front....some of them are just terraced rows but they looks so "cottagey" with the porches. It is always a pleasure to go through Aspull and Haigh.
It's got a lovely big garage, but they have no room for any cars, with two parked up outside.
Beautiful farmhouse. I think you'll find the property has had a facelift sometime or other, done professionally Veronica.
1753 it just goes to show how good the quality of house builders were back then, I bet the walls are not plaster boards, but thick solid brick walls.
Looks like it's had some updates done on the exterior that's beautifully done.
As Garry would say, it just needs a coal fire.....or maybe it has one.
What a beautiful looking house,I would love to know its history.
Veronica I think it's bin renovated, never the less it's perfect.
Yes it’s been renovated to a very high standard. Is it brick or stone underneath I’m thinking brick…but I do love stone property I have to say. Plenty character in older houses and in many cases better built. I’ve lived in new/modern and old.
It is a shame people buy these cottages and then have to make the roads congested with their large cars.
I bet the garage is full of tat that hardly gets used, like an outside prosecco bar, blowup bubble bath, garden dining table and chairs and football goals complete with net.
Good photo Dennis , This was once The King William public house , owned by Augustus Walter Rawcliffe Culraven Haigh, Sumner & Co Brewery Haigh. 1906, Landlord at the time was Mr A pilling.
There was another pub called The Jolly Miner at the junction with Gorse's Drive, off Ratcliffe Rd Aspull, supplied by Lawrence & Son Brewers Ince 1908 , and another pub at the junction of Stanley Rd off Scot lane , called The Cross Guns supplied also The Sumner Brewery at Haigh in 1904.
Here's a link to the list of licensed premises / breweries ,
Hope you find it interesting. David.
That’s interesting David, I wonder if it was always a Pub, or was it a private house that was converted into a Pub?
I had never heard about the other Pubs. I wonder if there is more information about them on Ancestry?
If I was a child , I would pick this house up like a delicious toffee , and dance deliciously down the lane , never once looking back !
I would imagine that this comment may be perceived by many as being patronising …
and I wouldn’t be prepared to argue the point …
… but notwithstanding .
Why don’t you give the wacky baccy a miss for a week or two ‘e’ ?
You could then concentrate your efforts on posting something that actually resembles poetry … as opposed to meaningless waffle .
Merely a suggestion , nothing more . No offence intended .
I've just noticed that he's at it again. This time using the name of Sarah Jolly. Leave him to me.
e, it is “If I were a child” not “If I was a child “. Subjunctive mood not the past tense.
Welcome to the weird and bizarre world of p.a.d . EBH : the poor man’s answer to X …..… ( formerly known as bleed’n Twitter ….
evidently ) or summat equally vacuous .
Given time , you may discover that many posters on here would find it necessary to access Google in order to spell their own names let alone construct an intelligible sentence …. But that’s by the way and also way beyond my control .
But judging by the content of your post , I’m guessing that you’ve already opened an account with the delusional “ Let’s have a cheap shot at Mick for no other reason that everyone else is doing it so why not me “ contingent .
Am I right … eh ? … or am I correct ?
… well ? …
am I ?
I think I’m both actually .
So ! My next question would be …
would you care to respond to the accusation above ?
I’ll still be here … in the shadows … just lurking … and waiting .
Make no mistake .
People are bound to assume that 'Sarah Jolly' and many of the other pseudonyms is You Know Who,simply because of the old adage 'if you can't say anything good,keep quiet'
e, a basic rule is not to use an adjective then almost immediately repeat it in its adverbial form. This does not count as alliteration. Neither is it poetry. I have to agree with Ozy and Paul P here. Utter garbage. May I respectfully suggest joining a poetry class.
I doubt ‘they’ will come forward Ozy. The ones who have taken exception to Big H’s posts have already replied.
It’s a case of ‘‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” . It’s tedious to the point of boredom and a few cracks of humour relieve it. That’s life!
Yes, Dennis, there could be something on Ancestry , pity the" link" I put on doesn't go further back, I already knew all this information , I spotted the site when Googling.
A dear friend of the family, who worked with my dad in the mines at Whelley , The Alexandra and Dairy Pits, told me all about the pubs in Aspull ,he remembered when he was in his younger days , he still lives in Aspull....... David.
Had a Quick Look on Ancestry David and found Augustus on the 1911 census.
Followed him back from there and found he was married with two children and as you say he lived in Culraven House across from where the Brewery used to be.
He worked as a brewer so probably had no trouble putting a crust on the table.
He described himself as a brewer, but also as an Employer so he must have been pretty high up the ladder at the Brewery.
Didn’t find any of the Pubs you mentioned David, but it was only a quick look so maybe I’ll have another go later.
Im Sarah Jolly I used to live in the first bungalow after the Moorgate pub