Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 29th December, 2024)
The Market Hotel

I just hope they do something to brighten up that ground floor pram shop.
Photo: Colin Traynor (iPhone)
Earlier this year the Council had that plot of land between this and the Market Hall covered with tarmac, I was thinking that this was for outdoor market stalls.
Going past yesterday I noticed that they have made into a car park.
These renovations should have happened with many of the buildings that have gone. Talk about ‘closing the gate after the horse has bolted!”
I just read a fascinating article by Wigan Building Preservation Trust detailing the full history of The Market Hotel with many photographs.
Should you be interested I would recommend that you Google it.
There was an article in Past Forward many years ago with memories of Colin Cook, a one-time well-know landlord there, and people's memories of pies being served with a particularly tasty gravy. There was also a photo of a young lady entering the tap- room on the first day that women were allowed in that room. I can personally recall going in The Boar's Head at Standish when I was very young, (18 or so), and there was a little room with "Gentlemen Only" on the door. Can you imagine some of the girls you see round Wigan these days being told they couldn't go into a certain room?! I wouldn't like to be the person who refused them entry!
In Standish Social Club there is a room with 'Women only , Strictly No Men '
written on the door .
Irene, much or what you kindly commented on and much more besides including photos can be found on the WBPT page that I mentioned. You must Google The Market Hotel, Wigan, you’ll find it interesting.
Veronica, it is so true, we have lost so many fine buildings but it is never too late for the ones we have left such as this one.
Ps on yesterday’s photo I forgot to mention it’s no wonder they need leather folders at PMQ’s the way they smash them down after making a ‘point’ they need reinforcing with steel!
Poet, I think that you’ll find that to be The Ladies Toilets!!!!
Poet, is it the ladies' toilet with the "Women Only, Strictly No Men" notice on? (Only joking , Poet, and I endorse DTease's recent comment that it's good to see you back!). Is Standish Social Club what used to be Standish Labour Club? I haven't been in there since about 1973!! Peter and I used to go round with some friends in the very early 1970s, two of whom were a singing duo, and we used to know all the Labour Clubs, British Legions etc. Nearly all gone now. Colin, thankyou.....I'll have a look at that The Market Hotel on Google later today.
Yes , It's the former Standish Labour Club and despite the very good jokes the sign is definitely not on the Toilet door but rather a little lounge to left of the snooker room .
Poet perhaps it’s the last Bastion of the Standish Knitters? They have put on a lovely knitted display again on top of the post box outside the Co-op.
The original pub was ruined when the heart & soul and the Victorian mahogany and stained glass interior was ripped out when new owners took over the building This new naming of the pub is covered in a Wigan Local History article on the building. link below.
As others have said the council in the past have demolished far better buildings than this, which really is now just a brick shell being held up by a lot of girders to prevent it it collapsing, this actually almost happened when it was being vandalised or as the owners at the time called it renovation.
Could be such an innocent thing as that Colin , but perhaps something more in the way of Jake Thackray's ' Castleford Ladies Magic Circle ' .
A lot of pubs had the most beautiful stained glass in them it’s a tragedy that they were probably broken up. The cost today for them is astronomical. I love really old pubs. I have never been in the Market Hotel. We only went in the Clarence and the Bodega plus the ‘Ball and Boot’ occasionally in the early days. Although I had my first drink in the Angel in Scholes I felt very grown up but can’t say I enjoyed the drink. I’m not much of drinker and never have been really.