Photo-a-Day (Friday, 13th December, 2024)
Wallpaper Supplies

The name is still over the door, but the shop is long gone.
Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
Bought a few items from there over the years. Mostly cheep and cheerful. I can remember them selling "Blackspur" tools and they where made out of the softest metal going and could only be used once because the ends would bend out of shape screwdrivers /spanners all the same
I seem to remember another entrance to the store on Library St as well. It was a very interesting interior with uneven floors and various nooks and crannies. Curtains in one area and separate areas with tiles and paint tins etc. It was handy for the bus across the road if you had anything heavy to carry. It was there for years a real handyman’s place to go to. A shame it’s gone.
Even though the place was unkempt and dingy they did well in their day.
The likes of B&M Bargains have the same idea but with larger and more modern stores.
I wonder what will become of the building that once was Timberlakes Garage.
Just like every were else in this country everything is being run down to the bone all that i can say its awful and bad everything is declining and there more to come its going to get worser and worser.
It says "Bretherton Square" top that what Arcade Street led into, and wasn't there a wool shop down there? You forget how all those little yards ran into one another. Yes, I remember the Library Street entrance to Wallpaper Supplies, Veronica, with the uneven floors. l They sold all kinds of was like an Aladdin's Cave.
Folk could get a deal on a half decent breccy in Wallpaper supplies at one time.
Their artificial Christmas trees were made to last (displayed once a year) Good as new decades later and Ozy visitors still think it's real.
The cheap, foreign, repetitive chimes they tried to flog during one particular festive season were unforgettable. Chinese torture to this former Wigin shopper and it was a relief to walk out onto Library st. That constant din must have driven their staff.. NUTS!
I can well imagine that, T.D.; I don't recall those chimes at Wallpaper Supplies , (thankfully!), but I worked in department stores for many years, and, believe me, even the well-loved carols and Christmas songs played from 9am to 5.30 daily between October and Christmas Eve drive you potty! And when you get home they're repeated on the telly adverts! I must admit I love those cobbles/setts, (call them what you will), in the photo; I forgot to mention it in my previous comment.
The place was full of cheap tat, odd-numbered wallpaper that didn't match up, and thin paint that required three or four coats to cover.
And yes cheap tools that didn't last 5 minutes.
For PeterP.
People ask, "why don't we see white dog poo on the pavements anymore"?
Well, it's because it's gathered up during the night and taken to the Blackspur factory in China and made into screwdrivers.
Of course the building was Timberlakes car sales and repair shop too long ago.
Big Harold,. yes it certainly was.
Remember those Blackspur combination spanner’s they were in a a folder I bought 10 folders and sold 9 within 2 days £18 profit they were cheap tat,bought them from Stacks at Wardley Industrial estate.Does everyone emulsion their interiors now, I recollect using Lincrusta wallpaper in the 70 ties was like sticking oilcloth to the walls.
Irene, Bretherton Row leads down from Wallgate, what you see in the photo is where it exits onto Arcade Street.
Behind Dennis is Grimes Arcade and the entrance to Rowbottom Square.
The Wool Shop (Crawford’s) was the top of Bretherton Row Irene. I haunted that shop and Valmar Fabrics opposite.
I bought a Blackspur set square from the store in Leigh and it was about 2 degrees out of square but looked the job,to be fair some of the stuff from Wallpaper Supplies was quite good.
Most of the ‘tat’ comes from China these days. Nothing but rubbish. Why we should have to import stuff from there when Britain had the best industry in the world is beyond me. I remember when it was always ‘ Best to Buy British’…those days are gone.
When the workforce of Britain finally accepts that a bowl of noodles is adequate recompense for a day’s labour , only then will this country be able to compete with the likes of China
pricewise .
Meanwhile, if it’s decent quality tools you’re
after , scan the obituary columns unit you spot some old bloke that’s recently passed away , then get yourself round to his daughter’s house sharpish and offer to empty his shed for free .
You might end up with a bag full of Whitworth spanners , but at least they’ll be British made and they may prove useful when you’re on the London to Brighton vintage car run .
I always wondered where my dad’s toolbox went. I just kept a spanner and two hammers and a couple of screwdrivers and pincers. I only have the hammers now - well hidden. I think they were pinched! Oh!and a wall scraper that went walk about!
Bruce,. It's amazing what people ask. Based on studies claiming discarded chewing gum can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. People ask why is China not interested in having that scraped off the Wigan pavements too... while there at it? There is a fortune waiting to be made, from recycling it into.. flip flop soles.
Any half good D.I.Yer would only need one hammer Veronica (Large size). There’s nowt tha cornt fettle wi o big hammer. A big hammer an a six inch nail will do for owt.
Remember years ago when the eastern bloc countries were going mad for Levis and Wrangler jeans ?
Well I used to run to the Baltic states and Bylorus
after the wall came down and the folk out there at that time would have practically swapped their daughters for a set of western made
spanners … no kidding !
btw DTease , since you appear to possess a comprehensive array of equipment …
Mi grandad’s old railway watch stopped tickin’ shortly after he did … so if I nip up we it , dust reckon tha could fettle it wi’ yon big ‘ommer ?
There’ll be a drink in it fo thi … I don’t want it done for nowt .
Wallpaper supplies are still trading but only on-line. The real problem for this store was it didn't have it's own carpark. It was cheap and cheerful, you only get what you pay for. B&M and the Range are similar stores, but have an all important carpark.
One of them I can hardly lift Dt..but they may come in sometime you never know…
Good on yer Veebs . Don’t chuck ‘em out whatever you do .
My shed’s full of stuff that may come in handy one day … or at least I think it is … as I’ve been unable to get into the place since Christmas 1985 .
I know for a fact that there’s some Christmas tree lights in there somewhere , and if only I could put my hand on them , they’d come in handy right now .
After I’ve finished wi thi grandad’s watch thall have enough cogs un springs fert make two watches Ozy.
Fotch it up lad un me un mi hommer ul sort it for thi in no time.
My dad did have a good selection of tools Ozy I wish I had kept them all. There was one of those iron things that you mended shoes on. Can’t remember what it was called! The wooden tool box was compartmented. I think he must have made it himself.
Veronica could the iron thing you mended shoes on be a Last maybe spelled differently.
My Dad had the shoe-mending thing too, Veronica. It was called a "last". It appeared on the stage at Wigan Little Theatre in the Victorian play "Hobson's Choice", (which is set in a clogger's shop), along with half the stuff from my living looked as if we had done a moonlight flit in our house whilst the play was on!
Veronica definitely a cobblers last.
The implement that your dad used for mending shoes on Veronica … when was the last time you clapped eyes on it ?
Can you remember ?
I have a full set of professional tools Mac and various Snap-on tools.
Very expensive but guaranteed for life.
I also have some Facom tools.
They are very expensive equipment to do the job in the motor trade I'm in.
Domestic tool wouldn't last 5 minutes for professional trades men. (and women).
Some People saying the paint and wallpaper weren't up to scratch at Wallpaper supplies. But they also sold quality paints and paper sutch as Crown and Dulux. The choice was up to you and how much you wanted to pay.
A ‘ Last’ that’s it?.I remembered after I ‘sent’ …Alas! it would be 1987 the last time I saw the ‘Last’. It would have gone with the house clearance. Mind you what would I have done with a Last I ask you. I was no Polly Do- Out.
You are right Carl. I only ever bought Crown or Dulux paint. The tiles were always good quality as well. I never bought any wallpaper though I never really fancied any they sold. We had a good decorator’s shop where I live. John will know which I mean …Bateson’s.
My own experience with Dulux paint is that you needed to apply three coats of the stuff just in order to see which colour you were using .
And that’s the last you’ll be hearing from me today .
Well it's the following day now Ozy.
The problem is with people when painting and decorating is preparation.
The all important preparation is vital to the finished job. Most people just slap paint on and hope more coats cover the ie doors, wallpaper and ceiling. If you painting a dark colour over a white colour, no problem, but if your covering a lighter colour over a darker colour, a good preparation is required and undercoat. Scrapping and sanding also gets overlooked. Applicants of more coats of paint is not the answer and cutting corners will cost more money in the end. Veronica is right, You'll not get much better paint quality than Dulux and Crown paints but remember the preparation first and a good decent brush that's doesn't looses bristles.
Not many people know this, but a paint brush that's been used many times is broken in and is much better than a new brush, if it was clean properly after the last job.
Fully agree with Carl. Slapping on cheap paint trying to cover over cracks is not the answer. As Veronica says Crown and Dulux top quality paints who have been around for very many years and rated as the best on the shelves. As the says goes, "don't blame the tools blame the people who's carrying out the job.
The crux of any job is patience and energy to get it done properly. I love the beauty of real wood. You are both right.
It's boys against men or cowboys against sensible DIY men and women.
My dad used to say, do the job right first time, then you don't have to go back to it and it will save you money in the long run. I remember my car having a respray and the body man said, preparing the car is more important than just a respray so how good you are otherwise it will just look like orange peel and flake in time.
Veronica I spoke to Mr Bateson earlier this year in Marks & Sparks he looks well I think Dora Forshaw was in his company they are Related.
I was sorry when that shop closed. He could get anything you asked for John. Plus they delivered for nothing. A bit dearer but so what..
Have to agree with you there regarding preparation Carlos .
Preparation does make all the difference between a professional looking job and a botch up .
Still can’t say that I’m sold on either Dulux or Crown though if I’m being honest … My limited experience of using both led me to believe that they were overrated and overpriced .
But I’m not a professional decorator , whereas you probably are , so it seems inevitable that we’re going to have to agree to differ on this one .
All the best mate .
I’ve prepared my walls Carl, I’ve told ‘em all if they start turning black again their gerrin woodchipped next time.
Eh up another mon blaming his tools eh Ozy. Like many have said Dulux and Crown one of the best paints that's been around for generations.
I bet your preparation is a bit “Wuff” doggy Dulux.
I have two cobblers lasts.One is an L shaped one which my Dad used and I used years ago and one which cobblers used on their knees.