Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 27th August, 2024)
Under And Over

This is the bridge at the end of Wallgate Station. Looks like it has been reinforced with concrete pillars on both sides and steel rods through the stonework in the arch.
Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
Street lamp on a railway line.
Good to see a close up view Dennis, normally we would only see it from a distance.
The railway lines look like a serving of spaghetti, all that is needed is some Bolognaise Sauce sprinkled with Parmigiana Reggiano.
Is the first station you come to Ince? If so, I used to come under that bridge on the train to Southport as a child as we always caught the train at Ince station, then it would have been Wigan, Appley Bridge, Parbold etc. Lovely memories, and steam trains too!
Yet again Dennis I apologise for digressing from your photo but if you go to The Album Recently Viewed there is a posting regarding St Mary's Church, Ince or Sprig View whichever you prefer.
There is a person my the name of Tjerk Karsijns from The Netherlands who has posted a vey interesting story and he is trying to find out more for his research. I think Rev David Long would be ideal in assisting and I am trying to make contact with him. Anyone with any connections to Ince or Spring View might also be able to help.
Please take a look, I am sure Tjerk would appreciate any feedback you could give.
Thanks Dennis for allowing me gate crash your space. Colin.
Over play , is a feeble thing
Honesty, special thing
the truth we sell is a garment cloak
of every word we ever spoke
what we sell comes from the soul we dwell
that came from truth we know
to deny our truth
is to deny our youth
and every moment we came from
that special feel
is to the bow we kneel
and those who came before us !
Interesting story Colin
Article on William (Bill) Lane in issue 78 of Past Forward Magazine.
Tjerk is mentioned.
Meanwhile a good view of old and more recent work on your photo of the railway bridge Dennis.