Photo-a-Day (Monday, 26th August, 2024)
Rear of Limes Bridge House

At the rear are the former stables and coach house now tastefully converted and modernised, with the bell tower of St John’s Church in gracing the skyline behind.
Photo: Colin Traynor (iPhone)
Sounds like it's taken from an estate agent catalogue, but I suppose it is.what it is.
I remember when it was Pagett’s the Paint and Decorating Firm. You were somebody if you hired them. It always looked well maintained around that building. They have made a great job if it’s a private house these days. Wigan Lane was always considered ‘well to do’. It reminds me of when I was a little tot and I went to St John’s Church Hall to ballet classes with a Miss Fenn. I don’t know why because I seem to have two left feet!
Another good photo of the buildings Colin.
That tree is o big un.
I recognised the bell tower but couldn't think where it was until I read the get used to seeing a familiar object from a certain angle and the different view puzzled me for a moment. It feels odd to see a little bit of Wigan we don't normally see.
From time to time I like to look for the ‘not so obvious’ or unusual.
Even though many of us walk past similar sights most days we can be blind to them or just take them for granted.
Hope you like?
Excellent photo Colin, when driving down there you tend not to look at the view over the grassy knoll, and I do agree with Irene with it being a view that after a while we tend not see.
Veronica I remember too when it was Pagett's, and it's been various businesses since from estate agents to bridal and dress shops, latterly it was a property management company, though if it still is I don't know, it is a grand building and must have been a magnificent residence in its time.
Exactly Colin, we do get used to seeing sights and sounds too I suppose, it's as though we put blinkers on. Also with photographs of buildings you can very often see interesting details that you don't see when walking by.
I also seem to remember this building being Popplestones’s in the 1950’s. There was a boy by the name of Edwin Popplestone at St John’s School who may have been their son.
The name sticks in my mind as it is quite uncommon.
Only a few comments today but all very nice, thank you all.
I love everyone’s photos and look forward to see what tomorrow brings.
Where is the tin bath hanging on the wall? And the outdoor whatsit?
You’re making a rod for yourself when you paint a wall white. If you don’t re-paint it every year or so it soon looks grubby.