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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 21st August, 2024)

Haigh Hall

Haigh Hall
No difference since January, only weather.

Photo: John (Westhoughton)   (iPhone)
Views: 1,472

Comment by: PeterP on 21st August 2024 at 06:15

It as been covered up that long we will have forgotten what it looks like. They must have finished all the roof by now and working on the inside must be well under way?

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 21st August 2024 at 07:40

I don't visit Haigh much but I will be glad to see the hall again when those covers come off.....I'm sure someone will take a photo for p-a-d when it is visible once more. I assume you took the photo, John from Westhoughton, so is that your mate with the yellow top? You seem to have had good weather for your bike-ride.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st August 2024 at 08:08

I don’t know what the time scale is for completion but look forward to visiting when completed.
I see from the plans that they propose to vastly increase car parking spaces, I just hope that they make it more easier to get to by public transport for those who don’t have a car. A bus route from Standish to Aspull via Red Rock and transport from The Plantation Gates in the summer months would be welcome.
John, is that you in the picture with your trade mark ‘signature’ bike?

Comment by: Veronica on 21st August 2024 at 08:15

What lies beneath?…can't wait for the unwrapping…

Comment by: Julie on 21st August 2024 at 08:36

A bus from anywhere via Aspull would be more than welcome.Life doesn't begin and end with Snobdish

Comment by: Steve on 21st August 2024 at 08:50

If you had gone and ask them to let you inside for a look around you would have noticed a very big difference.

Comment by: T. D. on 21st August 2024 at 09:04

Look forward to seeing a photo from the new roof terrace when it's finished.
Good progress report and carry on peddling up there John.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st August 2024 at 09:26

When we stayed there for four nights a few years back, the manager took us up onto the roof via narrow staircases and narrow corridors looking more like a building site.
It was well laid out with a bar and tables and chairs accommodating over 200 people. Familiar with Building Regulation I asked I if there was another means of escape in the event of an emergency or fire. He looked at me quite bewildered stuttering nnnnnnno!
We walked back down quietly, not another word was spoke.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 21st August 2024 at 10:00

Colin Re. your post about transport access to Haigh hall That is exactly the same question I asked at a meeting 2 years ago. When they first brought up the prospect of rejuvenating the hall and plantations. Unless you have a car. Without walking. How do you get to the Hall? However, last year I was invited to try out the two new "ELECTRIC TRACTORS"which are intended to be used on the journey from the Plantation Gates to the hall..There is a proposal that there will be two in operation BUT each "Tractor" will only accommodate about 20 people So anyone wanting to use these could be in for a long wait...

Comment by: John (Westhoughton) on 21st August 2024 at 11:19

Irene that’s is my neighbour Garry I took the photo last Wednesday which is identical to one on PAD 12 January and I posted one of under the wraps so may appear shortly it’s same as the one in the Observer.Colin I wish that was me haha but Garry is 14 years younger,I took the photo and that’s mi bike cheers TD and everyone.

Comment by: Sir Bob on 21st August 2024 at 12:33

I think they should have a cable car system, from Wigan Lane where the gates into the lower plantations are located, and from there it would soar over the Douglas Valley up to Haigh Hall, it would be a very scenic route.

Comment by: Tom on 21st August 2024 at 14:04

I've heard there having a monorail from the Wigan lane gates and electric tractor trailer running from the Whelley and Haigh areas.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st August 2024 at 14:44

Ron, thanks for that, I do remember a picture a year or two back of various council members testing those E- Buses at the front of Haigh Hall, perhaps they are still on track to be brought into use when the Hall is completed.
Sir Bob I always envisioned a cable car from somewhere like Tesco's Car Park all the way up the Douglas Valley up to Haigh Hall and then a tower with a revolving observation platform at the highest point behind the Hall giving spectacular views over Lancashire. Can but dream, all imagination and no money, if only Bill Gates or Elon Musk came from Wigan, they might fund it!!!!!
PS, I overlooked to give you credit on yesterdays Bretherton Row PAD. The link to the map I posted was originally on a comment by yourself on Tues 16th January 2024. I have found this map invaluable, thanks.
John, I bet Irene and Veronica where thinking you look a bit of a 'Hunk'.
Julie, what is wrong with you, I'll have you know I live in a two up two down in Standish with no car and a bus pass and certainly no snob. I think you have a inferiority complex.

Comment by: Dave on 21st August 2024 at 15:21

Hi John , do those modern cycle helmets have head cams built in these days ? I know a lot of cyclists wear head cams in case they get knocked off their bikes by motorists but also to film their journey . I was never off my bike as a lad and nothing scared me but these days it’s too crazy , especially here in London , cyclists and motorists are always going at each other over something.
There are also lots of scams going on where a cyclist crashes into a car and blames the driver for an insurance scam .

Was Haigh your turn around point John or where you headed somewhere else after for lunch ?
I greatly enjoyed watching Mick’s head cams when he was riding ( how’s the legs Mick ? ) it felt like it was you riding the bike
Hope you had a great ride John either way .

Comment by: John (westhoughton) on 21st August 2024 at 18:43

Dave a lot of people do have helmet cameras but unfortunately I don’t but I do have a free app on my phone called Relive that records when activated my start and finish points,top speed and every photo I take stating time and distance covered at that particular time,so it’s like drawing a line on a map showing exactly where you have been and you get a video after finishing your ride but it’s a line not a photo video,after the photo of Haigh Hall we rode down into Wigan along canal to Astley then up to the guided bus route to Tyldesley then up through Cutacre to Logistics North West then along A6 and home just short of 30 miles which I could send on WhatsApp hopefully this helps.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st August 2024 at 19:25

Sir Bob, that credit for the web site link was meant for you, don’t know how that was missed off, must be an age thing. Thanks again, the map gives me lot of pleasure to brows.

Comment by: Julie on 21st August 2024 at 21:23

No inferiority complex here

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