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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 19th August, 2024)

Old Auction Room and Corn Merchants

Old Auction Room and Corn Merchants
Situated on Bretherton Row these Buildings date from 1897.
In the days before Library Street was built this was known as Elbow Lane. Some have mistakenly identified Rowbottom Square as Elbow Lane but old maps prove this not to be the case.
And so entering Elbow Lane from Wallgate opposite the Dog and Partridge and walk to the bottom you would turn sharp left onto what is now named Arcade Street, Elbow Lane then continued all the way up to Millgate with buildings (probably slums) on either side.

Photo: Colin Traynor  (iPhone)
Views: 1,694

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 19th August 2024 at 00:49

On my map, 1840, Elbow Lane went from Millgate, under what is now the library, then crossed Hewlett street and finished under the buildings where Wallpaper Supplies shop now stands.
The cobbled way now known as Brethertons Row was called Bears Paw Yard on my map, and the original buildings look to have been demolished.
Brethertons Row is shown as passing under what is now Arcade Chambers.

Comment by: ianp on 19th August 2024 at 06:03

I can just about see the parish church

Comment by: Veronica on 19th August 2024 at 09:14

I get a bit mixed up with the names of these back alley ways. An interesting report on it though of how it was and what was there before.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 19th August 2024 at 09:18

It reminds me of Alastair Simm's "Scrooge" for some reason. I bet it was creepy down there on dark nights in 1897, probably lit dimly by gas, if it was lit at all! Wasn't Bretherton's Row where Crawford's Wool Shop used to be in the 1960s/maybe 1970s? I think Veronica will know the answer to that, being a knitter.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 19th August 2024 at 10:23

George (Hindley).
Thankyou for your comment and observation, it could be that Elbow Lane turned towards Millgate (prior to Library Street being built) a little further down, perhaps under Timberlakes as you say but not the Library.
Please check out the map on this link below that clearly shows that at that time that the Wallgate route had changed its name from Elbow Lane (which it is on my map circa 1828) to Bretherton Row.
I have quite a few maps in my possession but this map dated 1940-1890 reveals some fascinating information.
There was a Bears Paw on Wallgate, I think located where Little Fifteen now is but no reference to this is given on this 1840-1890 map
Your opinion would be appreciated.


Comment by: Colin Traynor on 19th August 2024 at 10:31

PS, I just saw that uncalled for comment on yesterdays PAD.
Should anyone wish to digress from the subject of the photo on another matter of interest please feel free to do so.
It adds a bit of much needed variety to the art of conversation.

Comment by: Meg on 19th August 2024 at 11:21

I can't quite get my bearings. Was Mr. Atherton's fabric shop Flax Mill at the top on the right with Crawford's wool shop on the left? I had some lovely curtains from Flax Mill over the years and it always used to amaze me how quickly the assistants could reckon up the price without using calculators. It was a huge place with so many different colours and patterns you were spoilt for choice. Mr Atherton was a lovely man, always ready with a smile and a joke. Sadly there are no fabric shops in Wigan now. Thank you Colin for bringing back another lovely memory.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 19th August 2024 at 11:29

Try this side by side one Colin


Even on this one, Elbow Street looks to have run under the library. Only just though.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th August 2024 at 11:36

I know where I am now. The mention of Crawford’s Wool and Valmar Fabrics. I used to haunt those shops. In the seventies when I got into knitting almost manically turning things out for the kids.

Comment by: Anne on 19th August 2024 at 11:51

Crawfords wool shop was originally in Mesnes street on the opposite corner to the Scotch bakery with the pram shop next door. They did move to Bretherton row at some polnt before closing.

Comment by: T. D on 19th August 2024 at 12:12

Very informative Colin. Thank you.

Irene mentioned a character. She reminded me of Alastair Simm's Belles of St Trinians.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 19th August 2024 at 13:37

T.D,, it was the buildings that reminded me of the film "Scrooge", when Mrs. Dilber, (Kathleen Harrison), is rushing along wrapped in a shawl to Scrooge's business premises, in the wind and snow, to tell Scrooge that Mr. Marley is dying. There was just "something" about that alleyway with the tall buildings and barred windows that put me in mind of that scene. Just my imagination! Meg, I too recall buying curtain material from Flax Mill in 1974 when I got married. It had big brown roses on and I can still see it in my mind's eye. However, I went after a job there in 1992, which I didn't get as I am the first to admit I am hopeless at reckoning up in my head, but the man who interviewed me obviously wasn't the gentleman you recall....he was very surly and I was actually glad I didn't get the job!

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 19th August 2024 at 13:53

George, I am looking at you map as I write.
Bears Paw Yard appears to run alongside Bretherton’s Row but it does not connect with Elbow Lane which Bretherton’s Row does.
Which Library are you referring to? Wigans main Central Library was only built at the time of LibraryStreet being built. On your map on that plot of land was the Free Grammar School with a playground extending all the way to Millgate.
All very interesting.

Comment by: Jackie on 19th August 2024 at 14:30

I would like to digress from today's PAD back to missing regular posters, and two that I've noticed who are missing are the vicar and cyril.

Comment by: Robert’s irate on 19th August 2024 at 14:35

That comment yesterday was uncalled for, it makes me irate.

Comment by: DTease on 19th August 2024 at 15:09

Anyone who as ever listened to a group of ladies chatting among themselves will understand the variety of subjects that are covered in the conversation.
After all, there is only so much you can say about Nelly Higginbottom’s mucky net curtains or Bessie Broom’s undonkeystoned front step!
Having worked with a load of ladies in a sewing factory for a short period has a 17yr old, I was once treated to a discussion that began with a pair of knickers being returned to M&S ( the thing that first grabbed my 17yr old attention) and ended with Mrs Hewitt’s last visit to the doctor’s ( the thing that put an end to my 17yr old attention) I feel that I am entitled to have an opinion on these things.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 19th August 2024 at 16:17

Jackie, I have enquired twice recently about Garry, (who enjoys a drop of sherry and a coal fire), but no response. I hope he's okay, also the Rev.David and Cyril. DTease, how right you are about how one thing leads to another in the conversation amongst a group of ladies.....I have seen that happen many times before someone says, "How on earth did we get onto THAT subject?". It's human nature!

Comment by: Veronica on 19th August 2024 at 17:56

I should imagine Cyril is on holiday. I do hope Garry is well it’s a shame he isn’t posting lately. But no wonder with some of the stupid comments he got when he hurt his hand chopping wood.

Comment by: Tommy Pilky on 19th August 2024 at 18:29

Irene I. and others that I've spoken to belived Garry the sherry drinker was a fake.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 19th August 2024 at 21:16

Mr. Pilky, who are "the others" you have spoken to who thought Garry was a fake? Are you willing to name them so they can confirm that they think he is a fake? I doubt it.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th August 2024 at 07:15

Probably figments of Pilkie’s imagination…same as his name Irene. I bet he’s on a visit from the Argy Bargy boards.

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