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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 15th August, 2024)

Que Viva Espana

Que Viva Espana
Anyone for a glass of Rioja?

Photo: Colin Traynor  (iPhone)
Views: 1,582

Comment by: T. D. on 15th August 2024 at 07:56

Besame mucho en Wigin

Comment by: Poet on 15th August 2024 at 08:26

Lovely summer picture . Have a listen to Salvador Bacarisse 'Romanza' . Y tube .

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th August 2024 at 09:04

We do get some rally good music performances in La Plaza Del Mercado but he is without doubt my favourite especially when it sunny.

Comment by: Veronica. on 15th August 2024 at 09:45

I wouldn’t have thought there would be much of an audience to listen to him. He looks as if he’s practicing before he goes on holiday…his case is packed ready.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th August 2024 at 10:16

Poet, Just going out for the day in Warrington but will listen to this when back this evening.

Comment by: Tom on 20th August 2024 at 14:23

This bloke is a Bulgarian, and most of his music is coming from is karaoke machine.

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