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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 25th June, 2024)

Evening All

Evening All
The one time Hindley Police Station.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,330

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 25th June 2024 at 07:19

Gone are the days when small towns and villages had their own police station with a counter and a log book where details of lost purses and lost dogs were recorded by hand by Alf Ventress-type policemen! A nice photo, Dennis.

Comment by: Veronica on 25th June 2024 at 07:57

I can’t make out what the building is these days. The one in W/H is a day nursery. It’s a landmark where it’s situated.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 25th June 2024 at 09:12

Nice picture Dennis, I must have been passed it umpteen times over the years in a car, you never really notice things unless you are on foot.
I believe it was built around 1845, they knew how to design and build in those days. It’s stood the test of time and although repurposed it looks well maintained. Cheers.

Comment by: frank on 25th June 2024 at 09:40

I wonder if the cells are still downstairs?

Comment by: Ex Speed Cop on 25th June 2024 at 09:56

It's on the A 58 Castle Hll Road, when drive past I always wonder why nobody's pinched the blue lamp.

Comment by: T. D. on 25th June 2024 at 10:26

Good photo Dennis.

Fine building from the days of the old mill town, where some people would seek escapism.... in drink!

Drunk and disorderly folk in a state of collapse or semi collapse would often be conveyed on a hand cart (get carted) by the local Bobbies to the old police station cells. Rest assured with a few clouts dished out along the way, for saying so much as 'goodnight' to a passing friend.

Getting rid of the local Bobbies and selling the stations was a big mistake.

Comment by: Alan on 25th June 2024 at 11:09

It's a day Nursery too.

Comment by: Cyril on 25th June 2024 at 12:09

The building has made a good increase in profit in a short time too, as the valuation has increased by £83,000 since it was last sold in 2018 for £190,000.

Not much about it on the internet, just as Colin says being built c1840

Though I'd imagine that something about the building would be in the massive amount of books and papers that were in the Hindley & Abram Museum that was run by Bill Topping along with his wife and volunteers on the top floor of the old library on Market Street. https://www.wigantoday.net/news/people/retro-memories-of-hindley-museum-4404873

Comment by: Brendell on 25th June 2024 at 12:25

Glad to see that this lovely building has not been demolished. Good to see it being used again. Is the Police Station at Spring View still standing?

Comment by: DerekB on 25th June 2024 at 15:11

Brendell, The old Spring View police station is still standing . The last I went past some months ago, it was still up for sale.

Comment by: Mark on 25th June 2024 at 18:31

I like Colin’s comments on WW because they are of someone who recognises the value of our history, but also someone who recognises that Wigan has to progress !
It seems like there is only Colin and Mick who are willing to embrace progress without an angry spit of defiance .

Comment by: Cyril on 25th June 2024 at 19:18

I've got the name of Jack Topping of the Museum wrong again, thanks to Elizabeth for pointing it before. I once worked with a Bill Topping and for some reason that name was in mind when I posted the above comments.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 30th May 2024 at 15:43
No Cyril,the chap who helped run the Museum at Hindley was Jack Topping RIP.

Comment by: John (westhoughton) on 25th June 2024 at 20:56

Dennis I was embarrassed the times I had to produce my license there being a young tear away on the motorbike. Irene I would never badmouth you or Veronica and several other genuine people on here,just ignore anyone who upset’s you as they are obviously not nice people I cannot wait to meet you and Peter at maybe a classic car show.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 25th June 2024 at 21:22

Thanks Cyril,I remember Jack Topping RIP,he did some sterling work for the museum.

Comment by: Pw on 25th June 2024 at 21:45

Great photo Dennis.My first memory of this police station was when I was about four and I wondered off from my Mam in BridgeSt to go and look in the Penny Bazaar and got lost.Someone took me to police station and I must have been able to give them my address and they took me home in a police car.When we were passing the dole office down Liverpool rd I saw my Dad dashing up to look for me.That was in the days when folk trusted and respected the police.

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