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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 30th March, 2024)


Springtime at Wigan Bus Station.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,648

Comment by: Veronica on 30th March 2024 at 00:26

Dennis you have come up trumps! A pure breath of fresh air…lovely Cherry Blossom.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 30th March 2024 at 07:17

Well done Dennis !
A lovely springtime photo, blue sky & pink cherry blossom. It lifts the spirits even though its a humble bus station !

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 30th March 2024 at 07:41

What a breath of Spring! I think we were all in need of a bit of blue sky and pink blossom and people. You can almost feel the fresh air. Many years ago I picked my granddaughter up from school on such a day as this. She was only in the Reception class and she said "You can tell it's Spring, Grandma, because there is blosmuss on the trees"! Edie is 17 in April and says "blossom" these days, but her Grandad and I still call it "blosmuss"!

Comment by: PeterP on 30th March 2024 at 07:44

Nice to see bushes in flower they will hide some of the grot spots for a short while.

Comment by: Garry on 30th March 2024 at 08:14

Cherry trees I think, Spring has Sprung. Beautiful and lovely to see, but sadly don't last long, the flowers will be all over the ground by Tuesday.
Cheers Dennis.

Comment by: Malc on 30th March 2024 at 08:22

Kwonzan cherry in full bloom excellent Dennis. These and many more different varieties will be Springing up and bursting out in pink blossom anytime soon, flowing trees look great.
This is photo is very appropriate at Easter. You've made my day.
Happy Easter.

Comment by: Jembo on 30th March 2024 at 08:44

Now that's a good positive shot of Wigan!

Comment by: Arthur on 30th March 2024 at 09:06

Very nice, Pink Dogwood absolutely beautiful trees.
Spring is such a lovely time. Trees, plant and animals all wakening up to a brand new season.
Weather is good today.
Nice one Dennis.

Comment by: Alan on 30th March 2024 at 09:17

I must confess I've never used Wigan or Leigh bus station, but Wigan looks good, especially with the cherry trees bursting with pride. But they soon shed their flowers if the wind picks up.

Comment by: Mavis on 30th March 2024 at 09:22

No-one can argue with this Spring photo, it's absolutely breathtaking. Thank you so much Dennis.

Comment by: Spring Sonnet on 30th March 2024 at 09:29

The year is slowly losing its sharpness
Now water painted April soon
Will blur the earth with new born colours ,
The first pioneer petals unclench
In the warmth of the lemon sun ,
And each day becomes a little fuller
With light and the din of sparrows
Squabbling blindly in their nests ,
Where caterpillars wriggle in gaping beaks ,
There's cherry blossom in the lane ,
And the sundial tells the time again ,
The heavy roller from the pavillion's pulled ,
And everywhere the earth speaks
That spring has sprung .


Comment by: Meg on 30th March 2024 at 09:47

Dennis the photo is as lovely as this sunny spring morning. Poet your sonnet is as lovely as the blossom. Thank you both.

Comment by: Sandra on 30th March 2024 at 09:49

This is very very nice, much better than houses and pubs falling down and in disrepair, and important, but this is all about Spring.
I love it!
Have a nice Easter.

Comment by: Peter on 30th March 2024 at 09:51

Nice Easter photo Dennis.
Spring is here at last.

Comment by: Scaramouche on 30th March 2024 at 09:54

Poet, very good. Sorry But for me, to be classed as POETRY it should rhyme. This is a narrative. I know times have changed with regards to what is classed as POETRY. This is due to the fact that people lack a knowledge of the English language I remember when I was at school. One time, for our English Language homework, we had to write a four line, four verse, poem. I was up until 1.00 a.m. scanning the dictionary for words that rhymed that I could use. Do kids today still get Homework?

Comment by: Veronica on 30th March 2024 at 09:57

Beautiful use of the English language Poet.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 30th March 2024 at 10:28

Poet, that's lovely, whether it rhymes or not, although I get Scaramouche's meaning. I have heard of other things besides words, (for example, a beautiful scene), being classed as "sheer poetry". I have just made a pan of lobbies to go in the slow cooker for our tea and my husband will call THAT "sheer poetry". LOL!

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 30th March 2024 at 10:36

Lovely picture Dennis, I took a similar shot myself.
Whatever you do to please, there is always a Scaramouche waiting in the wings eager to take the edge off.
Poetry or not, the words are thoughtful, pleasing and appreciated. Thank you.

Comment by: Sue on 30th March 2024 at 10:40

Very much appreciated thanks.
Enjoy your Easter weekend.

Comment by: John on 30th March 2024 at 10:53

Who would have thought Wiganers would be collecting their shopping from metal cupboards on the bus station.

Comment by: Cyril on 30th March 2024 at 11:32

Excellent photo Dennis, I too have never been on Wigan bus station, neither this one nor the old one that this replaced. It does look to be a vast improvement to the one that was on Hope Street and also the streets where buses to different destinations would park up.

Scaramouche, I'm confident that Poet, who in the opinion of myself and many others is an excellent lyricist, could very easily write a quatrain without having to stay up till 1am looking through a dictionary for words that rhyme, and also whilst doing the Fandango at that.

Comment by: Wiganer on 30th March 2024 at 11:37

I knew this photo would be Dennis's, top draw Easter bunny.
And no complaints. Thanks.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 30th March 2024 at 12:01

Lovely photo Dennis ! It looks a clean,uplifting place.x

Comment by: DTease on 30th March 2024 at 12:22

I don’t think that a poem necessarily needs to rhyme scaramouche.
If you can paint a picture in someone’s mind using only the right words in the right place, then you are a poet.
If you can describe the beauty of a flower in a few well placed sentiments, you are a poet.
Poet is a poet.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 30th March 2024 at 13:01

Lovely photo Dennis ! It looks a clean,uplifting place.x

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 30th March 2024 at 13:10

DTease, thats exactly what happened when I read Poets words, they instantly painted a picture in my mind.
Thanks Poet.

Comment by: Veronica on 30th March 2024 at 13:51

Scaramouche it’s Dtease who’s the master of ‘Rhyming Couplets’. I think he’s been hiding in his attic composing a booklet of Ready Rhymes for the Clueless. ;o))

Comment by: Garry on 30th March 2024 at 13:52

Lobbies sounds good, can I come round for tea Irene and I'll bring the Sherry and brown sauce. Lol.

Comment by: Poet on 30th March 2024 at 14:02

Aye , rhyme has its place but other components like rhythm , assonance and imagery are equally if not more important .
Shakespeare hardly ever rhymes . Milton never does . Both are regarded as the greatest of the English poets .
Always best to seek words in the heart rather than the dictionary . That's a bit too like that frightening world in '1984 ' where computers write all the books , compose all the music and paint the pictures .
Thanks for the interest and to Dennis for the inspiration . Regards .

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 30th March 2024 at 14:37

The lobbies have been cooking in the slow cooker all day, Garry, and smell delicious. I don't like brown sauce but you can bring the sherry....it makes you merry! Is that a poem?! DTease summed it up perfectly; we all love Poet's poems on here. (DTease's are good too, and very humorous). Long may they compose for us!

Comment by: Pie eater on 30th March 2024 at 14:58

Everyone like brown sauce and tomatoes sauce don't they....
Prato pie and HP sauce are married to each other. Irene if you don't like sauce try beetroot or red cabbage. You'll soon fall in love with them and lobbies.

Comment by: Wiganer on 30th March 2024 at 15:03

Lobbies, and you've got to make dumplings too, now the perfect meal, Irene.

Comment by: Pat McC on 30th March 2024 at 15:16

Wigan's PAD contributors are rich in talent - Photographers, Poets, Artists (Veronica) Local Historians (Irene). Thank you for a beautiful spring photograph Dennis. Wigan is streets ahead of us, as our cherry blossoms are nowhere near blossoming!

Comment by: Wiganer on 30th March 2024 at 15:25

Pad McC you've missed out Garry the biggest sherry drinker in the North west.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 30th March 2024 at 15:41

Yes, I love dumplings, but don't like sauce, beetroot or red cabbage, but my husband does.....each to his own! Just a buttered Fletcher's barm cake for me. What a good p-a-d it's been today....that Springtime view has cheered us all up. Happy Easter, everyone. xx

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 30th March 2024 at 16:19

Garry loves his sherry and long may he continue to do so. He is hurting no-one. I like a drink myself. My last comment seems to have gone astray so I'll say it again....Happy Easter everyone and don't forget to put your clocks forward.

Comment by: Pat McC on 30th March 2024 at 16:40

Wiganer - A man after my own heart!

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 30th March 2024 at 16:40

Cyril, Wigan bus station is one of the great improvements in Wigan, completely under cover for inclement weather like Chorley, Warrington, Preston and Bolton. Give it a try especially if you have a bus pass.

Comment by: Veronica on 30th March 2024 at 18:03

What a lovely thing to say Pat.
A Happy Easter To everyone and may all the days ahead be sunny ones. xx

Comment by: Alan on 30th March 2024 at 18:07

I'll echo Irene's voice, today has been one of the best pads for ages and everyone been so happy. Enjoy your Lobbies Irene and Garry, keep sipping your sherry. I'm out later for a pint.
Happy Easter.

Comment by: Garry on 30th March 2024 at 18:13

I'm just about to open another bottle of sherry, great.
Happy Easter and stay safe.

Comment by: Mark on 30th March 2024 at 18:26

Fandango !! Garry would be dead if he drank sherry every single day ! Alcohol is a poison to the liver as are every drug we take ! It’s like expecting the fish in our rivers to survive as we pour our pollution into it ! Garry is voicing a gesture, he’s not actually drinking, in my opinion .

Comment by: Garry on 30th March 2024 at 19:03

Well I do drink Sherry every single day and I love it. I live on my own with my dog and love my lifestyle.
Have a nice Easter Mark.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 30th March 2024 at 19:19

Please don't spoil today's p-a-d. I believe Garry DOES drink sherry every day; he probably spaces it out throughout the day and his body is used to it, and he has every right to do so if that is what he wants. Well, it's going dark now everyone, so Goodnight....tomorrow we have an extra hour of daylight!

Comment by: Peter on 30th March 2024 at 19:45

Mark have you got a problem.....
I thought today was going too well. Garry no need to explain yourself.

Comment by: John(Westhoughton) on 30th March 2024 at 19:51

Bit late in the day but happy Easter everyone been working all day and up early tomorrow cycling so asta manyana if I got that right.

Comment by: Arthur on 30th March 2024 at 19:52

Take no notice Garry and continue to enjoy your life.

Comment by: Garry on 31st March 2024 at 05:49

I couldn't careless what people think about me. I don't intend to change my lifestyle.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 31st March 2024 at 10:00

Well said, Garry!

Comment by: Veronica on 31st March 2024 at 10:10

We’ve reached the age where it doesn’t matter…enjoy every day and what’s left of the time we have. That’s my attitude…I like cream cakes me..;o)

Comment by: DTease on 31st March 2024 at 12:09

Veronica loves her cream cakes
Garry loves his sherry
One of them is overweight
The other one is merry

Both of them should get together
And have themselves a party
So both of them can live their lives
And keep each one hale and hearty.

Comment by: Garry on 31st March 2024 at 12:55

Ha ha I love it, DTease.
Its people like you that makes photo a day so good and enjoyable. I wish everyone was like you. Have a lovely Easter.

Comment by: Veronica on 31st March 2024 at 13:37

Hey Dtease I’m only one size up on what I was at 21 ! I’m not disclosing that though?.;o))
Keep those rhymes coming….I’ve missed um.

Comment by: DTease on 31st March 2024 at 14:17

Veronica says she’s only one size up
From when she was twenty one
But, about what size she was back then
Her memory seems to have gone.

Comment by: Mark on 31st March 2024 at 15:11

Your funny dtease. Cream cakes are not good at all.

Comment by: Veronica on 31st March 2024 at 15:12

Dtease it’s just distributed in different places …….but what the heck - who can resist a chocolate eclair yum yum..

Comment by: Veronica on 31st March 2024 at 17:29

Once in a while Mark.
I am sensible though about what I eat.

Comment by: Arthur on 31st March 2024 at 18:38

Eat, drink what ever you want and be happy, even if Doctor Mark disagrees. Some people need to get a life.

Comment by: Sandra on 31st March 2024 at 18:43

Veronica exactly, there hard to resist. X

Comment by: DTease on 31st March 2024 at 19:56

Wherever it’s distributed Veronica, I’m sure it’s all good stuff.

Comment by: Veronica on 31st March 2024 at 23:03

Just now and then Sandra…no harm in that.
To be honest Dtease there’s no point bothering. We’re only here once - every day is a bonus.

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