Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 10th January, 2024)
Market Street

Right - Jan 2024.
Wonder what it will look like this time next year?
Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
“ What will it look like this time next year?”
Not much different Dennis. Still a bomb site according to rumours I should think…But I sincerely hope not!
Nice one, Dennis, but what happened to my Wigan?
Actually the photo on the right makes the one on the left look like
‘Springtime in Park Lane’.
Destruction without bombs.
What a contrast Dennis, we can only live in hope that one day the much promised regeneration will be to our liking.
Well, you would hope it would be an improvement & something that may last for more than 30 odd years. Good pics Dennis
All of these towns are now just like a third world country its appalling!aa
Hi Eddie. I asked Maria. She does remember you, and thinks you lived in Hardybutts.
As for the photo, yes will be interesting to see what it’s like this time next year.2pj3w
One step forward and 6 steps back....what a waste of time and money. Why can't they leave things alone.
Why don't they spent our Council tax money on more important jobs like thousands of potholes in our roads. They are disgraceful.
Wigan planning department should all be sacked with all the Post Office bosses. Wigan Council bosses have completely ruined our Town. I will give this project a 10 year lifespan.
...and normal service is resumed.....
I'm just thankful that we have memories of what it used to be like,at least we can think back on those..and I believe that the bottom end of Mesnes St is on the cards for demolition,the lady in the little cafe told me that they'll have to go..that's my last port of call before I get my bus home..I know it isn't posh but it's very friendly so that'll do for me,plus they know exactly how I like my Cappuccinos..and it's the nearest to the bus station.
The development is really just housing there is little else of interest other than maybe the market hall, but the traders there are disappearing rapidly and presumably the new hall will have higher rents and little attraction for new traders. The proposed hotel will probably be populated by Serco tenants and the cinema will be unused without free parking availability, Robin Park cinema failed even with free parking so that speaks for itself.
Which end of Mesnes Street are you saying is to be demolished ?
Do you mean the café on the side of the Market Hall on Mesnes Street, which will be demolished when the Market Hall is demolished ?
Freddie, as I have said on previous postings this will be no more than the countries largest new be council estate but I suspect not for Wigan folk seeking better accommodation.
I have nothing against homeless people or for that matter many immigrants but this is what I expect these blocks of jerry built flats to be filled with and like the Oak Hotel will have washing and plastic bags with beer cans inside hanging out of the windows. This is why the council will get more central government funding.
I think I prefer the interactive darts, zip wire and climbing wall to this!
Sir's nearly exactly facing the Heart Foundation shop that used to be Smiths.
I looked at who make up the WMC....its made up of practically one single political party. There are probably no dissenting voices in the council chamber. No wonder the place in a state
Thankfully we can all look back to see what our beloved Wigan looked like before it was ripped apart by Wigan Council. We've all see photographs of Wigan during the 1960s, It was lovely, full of character and atmosphere, we all loved the Town if you are a certain age. (like me)
Arthur, do you mean 10 years to finish it or 10 years after completion ? I've heard the cupboard is bare as regards funding. At least there will be somewhere to park your car.
I can't really complain about what is happening as the last time I went into Wigan town centre to shop would have been just before Bill Read closed his pet and wildlife stall in the market hall as he did say it was his last few weeks and that was some years ago, and though I would go into town before then I never really bought goods from anywhere else around town, and like has been said before you can now get the things you require from the local supermarkets or online, so I'm guilty along with everyone else with not using these town centre shops more and leading to them all closing, but there was just nothing in them that I needed.
Though it is a pity those buildings couldn't have been renovated for housing which the council initially planned to do, as with their mock Tudor style they didn't really look out of place, and looked much better than those built with play bricks which more than likely they'll be replaced with .
Ah can see you were stood across from the Pacific Ocean, I had a lot of problems when ordering for a meal delivery from Chinese restaurants, listen to my phone calls to them.
Cyril, Bill Rhead was in my class at school!
WN1 Standisher: lifespan means, when the project is finished, I will give it 10 years before it gets demolished.
Garrys had too much sherry.
That is Cassinelli's Café on Mesnes Street and do you remember when it was on the corner of Market Street and Woodcock Street at the side of Petticoat Lane and the old Market Hall ?
If no money is forthcoming for the new Galleries development, and the Market Hall is not demolished, then your café will be stopping where it is now.
Yes Sir Bob,I used to go to that one as well..especially when I'd dropped my youngest at the blue coat School...and I so hope you're correct, after I'd been all round town I would call in there before I'd walk to the bus terminus...and am going there again tomorrow..
Thanks for the correct spelling of his name Irene, I couldn't be sure so went for the normal. The family was in the market hall for some years, I remember in the 1960s my mother always shopped there and would get big canisters of Lactol milk powder for pups, they were like the National milk canisters mothers would buy for their babies, but obviously a different label and formula - I hope so.
After the market hall he still had a pet supplies and working from home and customers would phone their order through to him and he would deliver it, I was told he was making more with having no overheads such as stall rent.
I liked browsing on his stall because he had many unusual pet toys along with the ordinary, I once got a wind up furry toy mouse and the cats and Ollie our dog loved chasing it.
Went to Wigan yesterday day for a haircut at a Turkish barbers on the right and had a good look around this area and I thought they would have been a lot further on with the demolition from when I last went to Wigan.A bigger job than what I thought.
You're right, Cyril....Rheads had connections with the Market Hall through the 1950s and 1960s and had a clothes stall was owned by Bill's Aunties who lived in Careless Lane in Ince.....Bill and his parents and sister lived just further down Ince Green Lane than my family, and his sister Ellen accompanied me to school on my first day at Hindley Grammar as I was on my own.