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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 9th January, 2024)

Bank Chambers

Bank Chambers
Inside Bank Chambers.

Photo: Colin Traynor  (iPhone)
Views: 2,677

Comment by: Jean on 9th January 2024 at 07:16

Is this where Wigan Register Office used to be? If so,not a very inviting area for a wedding.

Comment by: PeterP on 9th January 2024 at 07:39

Not very appealing to walk along looks spooky and abandoned

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 9th January 2024 at 08:01

A portal to the past, I think that is stunning image Colin.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 9th January 2024 at 08:16

This picture shows the very end of Bank Chambers, just to the right are the double fire doors leading out onto Clarence Yard and the former Prince’s Cinema.
At the far end the gates lead into the back of The George pub through which they take their beer deliveries,front being on Wallgate, not sure if that modern building used to also be a Bank?
Immediately to the left there looks to be two boarded up windows and the a door which may have been offices or the back entrance to the Salvation Army shop, also once a bank.
Behind me on the right is a door that gave access to the offices of A.H & P which I assume where on an upper floor.
Jean, I don’t know is the Register Office was down here Pat MaC put a comment upon yesterday’s picture and may be able to elaborate.

Comment by: John Ball on 9th January 2024 at 08:30

I can remember Mick, who used to send in photos to Wiganworld, going up there and some other Wigan backstreets a few years ago.
Ive just found this video he made of them.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 9th January 2024 at 09:16

Thanks John Ball, I will check this out later as I am just off to Windermere on this cold but sunny day. Need stretch my legs!!!!!

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 9th January 2024 at 09:22

I have just put a comment on but lost the internet as I pressed "send" so am going to repeat it and please accept my apologies if it appears twice" ...The Bank Chambers WAS the Register Office at one time, until around the early 1970s. Thankfully, by 1974 it had moved to Bridgeman Terrace opposite Wigan Park, as Peter and I got married there then and it is our Golden Wedding at the end of this month, but a girl I knew at school got married in the Bank Chambers not long before us, and she said it was depressing.....looking at the photo I'm not surprised! I can just imagine a top-hatted Ebenezer Scrooge and Bob Cratchit going down that passage to work, with their enormous ledgers and quill pens! But a very good photo of something we would not normally get to see....thankyou Colin.

Comment by: Arthur on 9th January 2024 at 09:26

Looks more like a prison or dungeon than a Bank.

Comment by: Veronica on 9th January 2024 at 09:27

I’ve never been down this passage and never known it comes out near the Prince’s Cinema. It’s just as well there’s no admittance for the public. It wouldn’t be safe these days it’s a ‘creepy’ place as has been said. Very interesting photo Colin and thanks.

Comment by: DTease on 9th January 2024 at 09:38

Colin seems to have a large following judging by the number of views he gets. Good photo though.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 9th January 2024 at 11:58

Have comments been stopped on this post for today? I sent in two early this morning and none have been added since 8.30 am. Just puzzled!

Comment by: Pw on 9th January 2024 at 12:36

I love a good mooch at places like this.

Comment by: Mary on 9th January 2024 at 12:42

Yes the Register Office used to be in this passage.Also there was a side entrance to The Post Office when I worked there in 1960s/1970s

Comment by: DTease on 9th January 2024 at 12:51

Definitely something going on Irene

Comment by: JJF on 9th January 2024 at 13:15

i think there was a barbers down there in the 70s

Comment by: Cyril on 9th January 2024 at 13:23

That surname Ball is certainly a clan name from Shevington, I do miss those videos that Mick would put on of his travels around town, as he did do some excellent videos. Bumder Road where Bank Chambers exits is shown as is the PaD from the other day and what was the Crown Post Office buildings that Thomas Wall had built in the late 1800s when he moved the Post Office from Rowbottom Square to Wallgate on Monday, October 19, 1885. https://www.wiganworld.co.uk/album/photo.php?opt=5&id=33357&gallery=ROWBOTTOM+SQUARE&page=3

The document drawing showing Rowbottom Square and plan of Grimes Arcade is on the Wigan Local History and Heritage Society site, and Clare Abs project 'King Street, The Street that Was', and the Rowbottom family of Rowbottom House will be quite an interesting read.

The Registry Office was in Bank Chambers at one time before moving to Bridgeman Terrace, and it moved from there to the Town Hall and is now in Life Centre.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 9th January 2024 at 13:27

DTease, it's probably just that the person who is uploading the comments today has had a busy morning so the comments have taken a while, but I keep losing the internet and I didn't know if perhaps it was my computer that was at fault. Of course as soon as I asked about it the comments appeared! I'm not having a good start to 2024 as I copied my 2023 calendar dates very carefully and neatly onto my 2024 calendar on New Year's Day and then tore the wrong one up!!

Comment by: Cyril on 9th January 2024 at 13:43

I can well imagine you being very happy that the Registry Office had moved to Bridgeman Terrace before your wedding Irene, as couples could then have nice photos taken in the park and not outside of there.

We as a gang of kids would go down Bank Chambers to the Princes and we'd make a right racket with shouting and whistling and running through as it echoed and was fun for us, though I'd imagine the folks in those offices was none too pleased.

Comment by: Alan on 9th January 2024 at 14:31

DTease that's because Colin's photos are different from the rest. Many photos on photo a day we've seen before, albeit a different angle.

Comment by: Sir Bob on 9th January 2024 at 14:36

I remember there being a Barber's and Solicitors in Bank Chambers, and what a marvelous video from Mick, he really should get an Honour for his contributions in documenting the contemporary and historical aspects of of life in Wigan.

He should be given a Peerage and be known as Lord Mick of Shevybourne.

Comment by: Pat McC on 9th January 2024 at 15:14

I think the Registry Office was on the ground floor. Used to walk down that passage rather smartish, especially on dark winter nights!

Comment by: Veronica on 9th January 2024 at 16:12

Please pass the sick bucket along !

Comment by: DTease on 9th January 2024 at 16:57

Sir Bob of Bobbington and Lord Mick of Shevyville!
Two fine additions to the local nobility!! The Parish Council will be overcome with emulsion.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 9th January 2024 at 20:10

Sorry all WW post today, just got back from a wonderful day in the lakes so haven’t as yet read all posts and comments. Whatever they are they are most appreciated positive, negative or indifferent, nice to see that all have an interest.
Just having tea and toast and then to bed!

Comment by: e on 9th January 2024 at 22:32

The Snow waited..
Beautiful old lanterns lit the hallway as we walked on the mosiac floor , the smell of its age , warming and embracing . Everything smelt of comfort , grown from history , like the most wonderful old tree that had watched the changes go by , but it had not, changed that is .
Pausing at a large arched doorway as the butler opened the doors ,I looked through one of the two arched windows onto the vast gardens and land , far into the distance now covered with snow , with heavy falling snow floating effortlessly down to join it .
The butler waited patiently until I was ready , but I looked again at the falling snow . What was I thinking , nothing really , I just embraced the beauty outside , as the house seemed to fold around me like the most warming and protective blanket .
I turned and entered the room and immediately felt the heat of the large roaring fire waft over my face, for a second taking me back , indeed..
The butler closed the doors behind me.. quietly ...
I now knew I was home , and that the little girl who played here once so joyfully , so many many years ago ... was me...

Comment by: Veronica on 9th January 2024 at 23:17

Dtease I wonder if Sir Bob of Bobbington and Lord Muck of Shevyshire are distantly related to Captain Myles of Standish. There’s something very notable about them.

Comment by: Tiny Tim on 10th January 2024 at 10:47

I use Sir Bob's taxi, he's good - give him a ring like I did and you can hear our conversation.

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