Photo-a-Day (Friday, 27th January, 2023)

Photo: Mick Byrne (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
The tree looks like a stunted Douglas Fir that never really got going.
I've not long walked past this tree Mick
It's also a nice shade of green.
That's a pine tree, not a fir.
Contrary to common opinion in the Wigan area, the Douglas fir is not named after the River Douglas.
There are very many different species of conifer so the following is merely a guess …
… Italian Stone Pine …
There , that’s my guess.
And I emphasise that’s all that it is … a guess .
They’re common in Mediterranean countries and the romans ground the seeds into flour to make bread .
I’ve planted a few of these up and down over the years … One can be found at the bottom of Leyland Mill lane in fact and several more can be seen in a garden in Crooke village .
They were grown from seed found at the base of the parent tree situated on the outskirts of St Tropez many years ago .
They are also known as parasol pines in France due to their resemblance to a … well, … a parasol when mature .
So there you have it …
Italian Stone Pine . Argue with that one if you will .
I can’t accept credit for planting the one in Mick’s photo by the way.
Of course it's a pine.
I stand corrected Bruce A.