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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 17th January, 2023)

Lock repairs

Lock repairs
Lock repairs at the bottom of the Wigan Flight.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
Views: 1,965

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 17th January 2023 at 07:26

Good pic Mick, very interesting.

Comment by: PeterP on 17th January 2023 at 08:26

Essential repairs before the boating season begins.

Comment by: Wigan Pub Historian on 17th January 2023 at 08:38

Some say the canal put Wigan on the map. If we never had a canal we wouldn't have had a pier and George Formby and Pam Shaw singing about it.
We wouldn't have had so many coal mines because transporting the coal by road or rail wouldn't have been profitable.
So there wouldn't be any need for all them paddy's to come  over here to settle in the eastern areas of the small town.
No Paddy's would have meant no pubs every few doors in Scholes village.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 09:12

I bet they had to clear the prams and bikes first. The boating enthusiasts will be pleased about this though.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 09:29

The Irish would still have to come over here (and other countries)because they were starving and the English were to blame for all the woes they had to put with.

Comment by: Poet on 17th January 2023 at 11:06

A most controversial remark Veronica . Does that include the ordinary English people who worked in the mills , down the pits and on the land ?
You may blame the aristocratic Whig politicians responsible for the Corn laws , but surely not the entire population of a country .
P.S . I think Mick's wound you up a bit there .

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 11:29

Plus they got their pound of flesh out of the Irish with all the navigation work they did. They deserved that pint or twelve after a days hard graft.
Same with the Scots and the Highland Clearances due to the English again. Mind you they have paid back all the dues ever since!

Comment by: John (Westhoughton) on 17th January 2023 at 12:53

Bit late but all the best to everyone.Speaking about the paddy’s you would be lucky to find anyone to work as hard as they did before all this health and safety,inductions etc,flat caps and old suits were good enough to work in real grafters,supplied concrete to them since the sixties till 2012 .

Comment by: Poet on 17th January 2023 at 13:13

We can blame the Highland clearances mostly on the Lowland Scots in particular the Duchess of Sutherland and the economics of Adam Smith .

Comment by: Ticsmon on 17th January 2023 at 13:18

What was the fatality rate 'before all this health and safety'?

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 13:46

Definitely the Aristocracy and Big Wigs Poet… I was too quick off the mark there.

Comment by: Cyril on 17th January 2023 at 13:52

Hear, hear Veronica, and that isn't taught in schools nor even mentioned within the UK, it was always by their own fault that the Irish found themselves having troubles, they was okay until the Tudors wanted more land and too the butcher Cromwell.

With Mick's ancestors having come over here too you would have thought there would have been some pride instead of being derisive.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 14:14

A disgusting period in history Cyril for both countries/ nations.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 14:28

Cyril the same things were said about our own poor …’ it was their own fault ‘ and not all that long ago. The scourge of the Workhouse which the working class dreaded.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 15:09

So he’s a Wigan Pub Historian now… how come he’s not a Shevvy Pub Historian eh?
So many alias’s I can’t keep up with ‘um. At least the spelling has improved so it’s done some good. Mind you I think the poor spelling was hilariously funny. Glad to have been of some help to him anyroad… although not just me. I think Ozy is owed much and Dtease.

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 15:54

Not forgetting how the sheep were more preferential than the people scratching a living off the mountainous soil Poet. . Which would bring more money into the Landlord’s purses. That’s after the Clans rallied in support of the Bonny Prince. I suppose that would have gone against them anyway. Neither would the Lowlanders have wanted them on their patch either.
Fascinating history of Scotland, no wonder there’s so many haunting songs and laments…same with the ‘auld’ country.

Comment by: PeterP on 17th January 2023 at 15:57

Ticsmon don't know about the L&L canal but it was estimated over 1400 navvies lost their life and has many injured digging the Manchester Ship Canal.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 17th January 2023 at 18:35

So ! … the Wigan World kangaroo court is once more in session evidently .

I’ve often wondered why whenever any post perceived as being remotely contentious appears , that post seems automatically to be attributed to Mick , irrespective of its author’s title .

I would imagine that were an earthquake to devastate Marsh Green tomorrow , causing 30 quid’s worth of damage , ( heaven forbid ) then Mick would get the blame for that an’ all .

Although I have no evidence to suggest otherwise , I very much doubt that Mick posts comments under any name other than his own. And if anyone can provide absolute proof to the contrary , then please allow that person to step forward .
Why not just give the bloke a break eh ? that’s all I’m asking … it’s bordering on the paranoid now … Jeez !

And on the topic of Mick’s spelling , I do concur that the lad would struggle to come top of his class , but then , so would I . Although unlike one or two on here , I do recognise the difference between the word “ has “ and the word “ as “ .
And furthermore , it wouldn’t do a few unidentified posters any harm to learn where an apostrophe is appropriate and where it isn’t … As it happens , I do have a rough idea , and for that I make no apology .
And here endeth the lesson .

[ I do realise I’m pi**ing into the wind here by the way ] .

Comment by: Veronica on 17th January 2023 at 21:57

Ozy we’ve moved on to other mistakes on Album at the butchers.!

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