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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 23rd September, 2022)

What Plans?

What Plans?
Whatever happened to all those big plans for Wigan Pier that we were told about ?

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 1,809

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 23rd September 2022 at 06:51

Panflamingdemic, that's what happened.

Comment by: irene roberts on 23rd September 2022 at 07:39

Wigan Pier started off a s a joke in the repertoire of George Formby's Dad in his music hall act. It really is a joke now.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 23rd September 2022 at 07:43

I think Wigan planners ave lost the plot completely Dennis.

Comment by: good old days on 23rd September 2022 at 08:47

end up like previous attemps be boarded up in 5 years till some one else takes over

Comment by: Veronica on 23rd September 2022 at 09:16

I can’t see what they can do with it . The Museum didn’t last….it seems they have run out of ideas. Perhaps a vote is needed from the people of Wigan there must be ordinary folk out there who would have better ideas than the Councillors or the owners.

Comment by: Alan H on 23rd September 2022 at 10:55

Veronica, they asked the ordinary people about the plans for the town centre and then completely ignored them and put the final nail in the coffin of what was once a thriving town centre.

Comment by: Roylew on 23rd September 2022 at 11:46

Make it into apartments instead of apartments in town centre….make town centre an indoor market and just a park with cafes and wine bars/restaurants

Comment by: Poet on 23rd September 2022 at 11:54

The pier is one of the most iconic landmarks on the Leeds and Liverpool . For me , it should become a marina offering supplies, services , good food and beer for boaters . Build it and they will come !

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 23rd September 2022 at 12:42

I think you have a really good idea there Poet. ...send it to the town planners who are obviously scratching their heads for money making ideas. Canal Boat people would love that.

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 23rd September 2022 at 12:45

Thats a good idea Poet, I remember me mentioning this before.
But first of all the authorities will have to get rid of all the low life's who use the canal bank in this area as an escape route after a night of plundering

Comment by: Veronica on 23rd September 2022 at 13:15

Both posts have good ideas , apartments as well alongside the
‘‘ supplies services and good food and beer for boaters.” Council take note instead of ignoring the people of Wigan.

Comment by: Cyril on 23rd September 2022 at 15:24

Did the boaters bother much going to The Orwell when it was open? come to think neither did the public with it being out of the way and nothing else around to make it a worthwhile visit, and if they did and parked up across the road they risked their cars being broken into. Boaters can be seen moored at Seven Stars where it's only a short walk to Asda and other shops at Robin Retail.

So maybe as was suggested and building housing around the Wallgate area once again could be the way to go. Would the council have a canal side 'Gay Village' replacing the Pier Quarter with the pink pound bringing in shedfuls of cash from curious tourists?

Comment by: daveyboy on 23rd September 2022 at 15:45

looks to me like another regeneration grant scheme swindle where some property developers made a half hearted start then claimed the grants then scarped, but who knows this useless council don’t tell us anything because maybe they’ve got there hands in the buckets as well?

Comment by: Poet on 23rd September 2022 at 17:13

A gay village . That sounds right up the council's street and it would give Lisa another opportunity to dance about in face paint when opening it up .

Cyril , I'm suggesting a proper marina like the one at Botany Bay with showers , refuelling , pump out facilities , waste disposal , and an engineering shop . Perhaps narrow boat hire for locals . These things weren't available before . Alongside a few farm shops , a butchers and a decent pub it could prove more attractive than Asda . Of course a place needs to develop a reputation to be successful . The Pier has a kind of historical kudos that ought give it some advantage .

Comment by: Cyril on 23rd September 2022 at 21:48

I wasn't poking fun at your suggestions Poet, in actuality it all sounds good and I'd be very happy if the Pier would become a venue as such, along with artisan businesses selling local wholesome products.

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 23rd September 2022 at 21:53

Wigan market hall had plenty of artisan stalls selling local wholesome products.
But it turned out not enough Wiganers wanted them.

Comment by: Edna on 23rd September 2022 at 23:23

I have read this week, Wigan Council are going ahead with demolition, but nothing has yet been signed for rebuild, after the chinese pulled out.( Freedom of information) and now we can't even access the market Hall.All gates are closed.

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