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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 5th September, 2022)

The Boundary

The Boundary
This is the boundary between Aspull and Blackrod on Scot Lane.
Gorses Brook runs under the road here.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 1,980

Comment by: Edna on 5th September 2022 at 08:24

This lovey photo brings back more happy memories for me Dennis.We lived in Blackrod for a couple of year's, in the 60s when we were first married.Our first home was there.

Comment by: irene roberts on 5th September 2022 at 08:45

What a nice view. It's a very pleasant area around there.

Comment by: Gary on 5th September 2022 at 09:10

In the 50s onwards there was a metal sign on a pole on the left - Blackrod. It was around 1964 before a similar sign, on the right, facing away, Aspull. Both had "coats of arms" - type badges. Blackrod's was quite small, but when the Aspull sign appeared it was distinctive and seemed to have a cockerel on it.
We would never have thought then, that this was a boundary with Bolton.

Comment by: Wiganer on 5th September 2022 at 09:44

Another very nice photograph, Dennis. You certainly get around.
My only thought (certainly not a criticism as I really appreciate your photographs) is about your timing. Why didn't you wait another few seconds for the blue car to be hidden from your view by the hedges?

Comment by: Wiganer on 5th September 2022 at 11:07

Gary, I find it quite disappointing that "Welcome to Bolton" dominates and the "Blackrod" sign is almost lost and not as distinctive as it should be. Surely, it should be "Welcome to Blackrod" with, if needed, a smaller sign underneath "Metropolitan Borough of Bolton".

Comment by: Gary on 5th September 2022 at 11:28

Wiganer - it seems to be the same everywhere. There appears to be an attempt to take away individual identity.

Comment by: Veronica on 5th September 2022 at 12:53

A nice summery feel to todays photo, reflecting the glorious weather we are having outside, Very seasonal with loads of leaves still on the trees, but they will soon be dropping….

Comment by: Syd Smith on 5th September 2022 at 13:10

Wiganer if he had tried waiting for the road to be clear of traffic he would have been there all day
It is a very pleasant area around there but its spoiled by traffic traveling at full speed as they make their way from the M61 to the M6 motorway.

Comment by: Cyril on 5th September 2022 at 15:19

It is a lovely pastoral scene and probably hasn't changed since a cart road was built. The masons who ever so precisely dressed the stones and built the bridge have long gone, but their legacy still lives on.

Comment by: Fred on 5th September 2022 at 15:50

Blackrod as always been a pleasant place to go to, and you picked a good day to get the photo.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 5th September 2022 at 17:47

Beautiful photo of a lovely area.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 5th September 2022 at 18:52

We used to play here as kids, catching tiddlers in the Brook. There wasn’t much traffic in those days, but the grown ups didn’t like it because of the fact that there was no footpath on one side of the road, and there still isn’t.
As a result they invented “The Gorses Boggart” and they told us not to go there because “The Boggart will get you and you will never be seen again”.
I don’t remember it putting us kids off though, in fact I think it made us even more curious.

In the days when we had ‘ proper’Winters, the snow would blow across the fields and pile up on this road, sometimes three or four feet deep. As a result, Blackrod would be cut off from Aspull until a road through could be dug out.

Comment by: Ken on 5th September 2022 at 19:20

Born and bred in Blackrod now live in the Netherlands

Comment by: Wiganer on 5th September 2022 at 21:44

Know the place well, because part of my family have lived there for decades. I've been to many of the places there for family gatherings, such as: weddings at the church, special birthday celebrations at the clubs etc. Earlier this year, I was at one of the clubs for a cousin's birthday celebration.
Never lived in Blackrod, but it has been part of my life since childhood. Certainly, a nice place.

Comment by: peebee on 5th September 2022 at 22:19

Just above your head would have been the railway bridge that carried the line from Dobbs Brow junction up to Hilton house and then onto the Bolton- Preston line through Blackrod station, with the spur line to Horwich station and loco works.

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 5th September 2022 at 22:22

Enjoy your Poffertjes Ken.

Comment by: DTease on 6th September 2022 at 07:59

You’re on the wrong boundary peebee.

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