Photo-a-Day (Friday, 22nd April, 2022)
What was it?

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX500)
The Manley pub, perhaps, Dennis?
i seem to think it was called the Manley Hotel, lovely building thanks for pic Dennis.
Didn't the doctors use it at one time, its across the road from Ince junction railway station.
It was a pub then a doctors surgery
Not sure if it was ever an hotel, definitely a pub. It was always referred to as just “The Manley” nothing else.
It was a pub,the Manley.
Whether it was a pub or Hotel you wouldn’t see a modern building as solid and well structured as this one. Looks like it’s been renovated, preserved and being used as Apartments. This is what should be done with them instead of being left to rot. New build Apartments won’t stand the test of time like this one, no matter how attractive they look.
As it seems to have had much work done to it from the scruffiness of a few years ago, what is it going to be used for?
Yes, The Manley. . It was opposite what we Ince chidren knew as "The Little Jungle" where Lower Ince Station used to stand, (now Spindlewood Road).. Next door to The Little Jungle was Ince Clinic and further up still was The Council Offices where many wedding receptions and dances took place. On the same side as The Manley. past the houses shown,on the photo, there are a few detached houses and in one of them lived Mrs. Lilian Ramsdale who did all the Walking Day flowers. The smell of fresh flowers in her house on Walking Day morning will stay with me forever. Sorry for rambling on but The Manley just triggered off so many memories. I was too young to go inside but I can remember groups on in there in the early1960s. It seemed a very popular pub. Sorry, everyone,..... I get carried away!
I can remember the 'jungle',my cousins from Christopher Street were always there.Also Mrs Ramsdale,getting walking day flowers from there.Her son Brian was in my class at Ince Central.
You just keep rambling on Irene.....
I for one, like reading your rambles !
The Manley Dennis ,a Mathew Brown pub . Lion Ales, worked on it many times , when I worked Jack Almonds Joiners Ince, in the 70s , we had the maintenance contract for Mathew Brown Breweries .
And when it closed down we were always going to board it up , people kept breaking in, it also caught fire too if I'm not mistaken.
Thankyou, Helen, for those kind words; I DO ramble, though! ! Elizabeth, Mrs. Ramsdale's daughter Freda was in MY class at Ince Central!
Yes Irene,I do remember Freda,both she and Brian had black hair.
After The Manly closed down, it was the base for the Emergency Doctor Service, and some sort of Health Clinic was also located in there.