Photo-a-Day (Friday, 30th April, 2021)
Parson’s Walk Centre

(Taken through a bus window, hence the reflections)
Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX500)
A lovely looking light and airy modern building, and once those flowering cherry trees come into blossom the people who are inside will have a lovely view of it and also of any birds who decide to have a sit on one of the branches.
Another day, another box building. Wonder what happens in Parsons Walk Centre ?
And while I'm here why is it that windows in new houses get smaller & smaller but that rule doesn't apply to boxes like these, as Dennis says big windows, then blinds to shade them, doesn't make sense.
Good photo Dennis whilst you were on the move! All I can say about this building is it is streamlined and glossy. Reminds me of a car showroom. My granddaughter is doing a 2 year course here and doing very well, despite the pandemic.
Dennis, I can say from experience, those blinds take forever to clean.
That is a fine photo taken from a bus!
dennis please take more interesting photo s
The difference between the red brick building on the right and this new building says it all - not much imagination has gone into the planning in my view.
Mick - those trees look like silver birches, so no blossom.
Why not take your own janet? That way you will be sure that they will be of interest. Of interest to you at least.
I'm with Mick on this one. A pleasing on the eye, light and airy, modern building. Must be much pleasanter to be inside than a gloomy monstrosity of Victorian /Edwardian vintage such as the former Mining & Technical College on Library St.
I'm mightily relieved Mick didn't mis spell a certain word about the birds "deciding to have a sit on a branch".
I didn't think birds could 'sit' I'm sure it's an impossibility ! ;o))
Im sure all the young girls who are doing their 2 year hairdressing and nail technicians courses will love those big bright windows for day dreaming.
But lets face it the blinds will only need to be lowered a few time a year with the amount of direct sunlight Wigan gets.
That's interesting to know Mick. But that's not what the granddaughter is doing.
She is very focused in her ambitions, I don't think she would gaze dreamily through those windows, actually it's not even that building.
Good luck to all those students who study there, especially the Hairdressers who have been sorely missed during the Lockdown. In fact I could do with booking an appointment myself...
It just so happens that I'm going up to Howfen tomorrow to shear my mate's daughter's Shetland pony Veebs.
He lives opposite where the old dog track used to be, so It would only take me a couple minutes to nip up to yours with the dubbers and sort out your split ends.
What's more, I'm currently offering a bank holiday half price deal for certain qualifying WW members who have an artistic bent....
.....NB ( terms and conditions apply )....
....Just think....
A cheap haircut in the comfortable surroundings of your own Anderson shelter at half the regular price of a crop. what's not to like about that deal?
As our American cousins would say Ozy - something about a 'raincheck'? ;o))
You could start a new trend Veronica, the Shetland Ponytail Cut.
There's loads of us DT
Ladies of a certain age all sporting pony tails, some as grey as badgers.
I bet you can’t flick the flies off with them like the Ponies do though Veronica.
Ther's no flies on me Dtease - only the marks where they've been as mi dad used to say.;o))