Photo-a-Day (Friday, 6th December, 2019)
Hopefully the hard frost will have done away with those nasty viruses that have been doing the rounds lately. Looking forward to seeing photos of the glorious sunrise that greeted us yesterday morning.
Good photo. Natures icing sugar frosting.
Jack's been and left his trademark, could be a lot more signs very soon......crunch, crunch, brrrr...get them woolly hats,scarves and mittens out!
Watch your step these dangerous frosty wet leaves there will have people all over the country slipping and falling down and ending up in hospital
A pleasing group Steve; you were on the ball. And so too had been Cyril; I'd caught only the tail-end of yesterday's 'glorious sunrise' - Flippin' headphones!
Tired now - once flowing leaves -
This autumn-carpet laid
Beneath such fancy melody?;
Some showy crystals!, made.
Time to put more coal on my fire and stock up with sherry.
All ice crystals are different shapes,
but join together as families .
They bond on leaves ,
and on countless trees , then fall
individually as droplets .
From shapes to water ,
From bond to flow ,
We arrive one day ,
and then we go ..