Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 29th November, 2017)

Photo: Dave (Oy) (Nikon D850 with Nikon 16-35mm F/4 AF-S G VR)
Fireworks at a Christmas do, lets hope the people dont start to think its normal to have them and start having there own back garden fireworks on December 25th.
What beautiful's almost like a very
pretty abstract painting..thank you Dave.
Dazzling display- an unusual picture to say the least...
I'm not a fireworks fan but that's magnificent!
'Cracking' shot, Dave.
A multitude of colours. I have to agree with Maureen as to the abstract painting thought.
Well caught, sir..!!
It looks like some mysterious force is emanating from the tree.
Welcome to Leigh, Well done Dave Oy.
All the best.
Another cracking shot Dave. Maureen it is good to see that you are still on here making your usual, positive, comments about the pictures. I know that you have tried to get a painting on this site, so far without success. Maybe, given the number of artists who visit this site, and taking into account the time it takes to paint a picture, a new slot "Painting of the Week (or month)" could be considered on wiganworld.
An explosion of beautiful colours.
Good idea, John. Maureen and Veronica are excellent and I'm sure there are other painting enthusiasts on Wigan World.
John there's not that much interest.
If there was, how many have the time to do it!!!
Lets be thankful to what we've got on Wigan World.
John,that would be brilliant,Veronica is very good too,it would be a treat to see other artists wouldn't it.
I witnessed something remarkably similar to this when I toppled backwards off the bar stool in the Brocket last Friday evening.
I love Ozymandias’s witty comment - so funny! Thanks. It’s good to enjoy a belly laugh now and again!
Cracking photo Dave,i knew it was yours before a read the caption.
Ozy has a very sharp wit and a way with words and never fails to make me laugh! x.
Must admit it reminded me a bit of Del boy when he was going to lean on the bar -and he missed! Good one Ozy hope you didn't break anything!
It is certainly a cracker.
Another can't take his beer,lol.
What was the conversion lorries and diesel fumes.
Some folk will laugh at owt just to make a comment!
Bah! Humbug!