Photo-a-Day (Friday, 3rd July, 2015)
Photo: Ron Dawber (Pentax k10D SLR)
Lovely scenic photo but do they get plenty of rats coming off the canal?
Are those old railway lines used on the canal, to reinforce the banks. Very good photo Ron.
Great photo. Who would have thought it was Wigan?
Oh how lovely, I wish summer would never end. A real beauty Ron.
A calendar photo,Ron.
Well done.!!
What a lovely peaceful and tranquil Ann I wish Summer would never end.
I can smell bread.
Very attractive, wish I was sat there right now.
That would make a good jigsaw
I wish Summer would never ever end. The best photo by far. It's got the lot. Water,land and sky.
Doesn`t do anything to me, Ron. That large tree, which looks like an animals head, unbalances it.
Mick; please explain your comment.
Ernest is off his head more likely.
Beautiful, photo Ron.
Ernest it's New Springs the home of Bread in Cale Lane. Please wake up. I got it straight away Mick.
Animals head ??????????? what planet are you on?
Yes Ernest its because of the bakery.
It always smells very nice along the canal bank in New Springs
Smashing photo. However, I hate summer. Give me Winter any time!
Lynne sounds like a complete fool.
How can I be a complete fool, when there's people like you about, Garry?
Take no notice Lynne. I also perfer the Winter months by far. Garry , I dare you!
You should both live at the North Pole.
With love Garry x