Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 20th May, 2015)
East Pennine moors
I always thought they where West Pennine Moors
You're right Mick.
West Pennines into Lancs and East Pennines into Yorks. I'm sure Ron will recognise his mistake!!
Nice pic though....great vista for a painting! Mmmmm!
East is East and West is West and the wrong name I have chose.But I was confident Mick would correct me.
Knowledge is growth. Does anyone on WW know the type name for those clouds? Clouds are wonderful but also have some wonderful names, shame I don,t know them.
Thanks Ron, enjoyed your picture.
I'm no expert but I think the clouds are cumulus. If they aren't, I'm snookered because that is the extent of my cloud knowledge. By the way lovely photo. I bet Ernest Pyke will recognise Winter hill.
You are quite right on both, Derek. They are cumulus clouds.
Julie; copy and paste into your browser:-
Thank you Derek/Ernest, so these are cumulus clouds. Ermest, would love to follow your kind paste recommendation , but call me boring , I prefer things explained on a human level. Would dread if my comment is regarded arrogant
Julie; `Things are explained on a human level`, as you put it, on the website I stated.
Ernest. Would these be trending to the lenticular?
Ken R; Extract from:-
"Lenticular clouds, technically known as altocumulus standing lenticularis, are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, normally aligned at right-angles to the wind direction."
Since 1964 I`ve played a lot of golf at Chorley G.C where Winter Hill can be seen and can`t recollect seeing any lenticular clouds. So my answer is "very unlikely,"
Thanks Ernest, take your point. What a wonderful name altocumulus standing lenticularis . Ernest, what age did you know what a Lenticular cloud looked liked? Just interested that's all.
Julie; Never heard of a lenticular cloud until Ken R asked!
Julie; I`m 87 years old.
Sorry Earnest, I misunderstood when you wrote about playing golf. I thought you had known what a lenticular cloud looked like since childhood.
Ernest, I went to the Aspull Methodist School from 5 to 15 yrs, we were taught about clouds at an early age, what were the Blue Coats doing.
Ken R; Everything except learning about clouds! I first met the Metric System when I was 11. We had to use it in Physics at Wigan Junior Technical School. When did you meet it?
Lucky you Ken R.