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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 18th April, 2015)

Cosplay event

Cosplay event
Held in Wigan on Saturday in aid of the Make A Wish Foundation.

Photo: David  (Sony NEX-6)
Views: 4,194

Comment by: Ken R on 18th April 2015 at 00:46

Interesting. Cosplay is not a word that I am familiar with, would it be playacting in costume? Is this opposite Wigan NW Station.

Comment by: Carol on 18th April 2015 at 10:01

The shop window on the left is M&S.

Comment by: Mick on 18th April 2015 at 13:12

The little lad looks like the little lad who is in that little family that are on the telly doing a short travel show, dads name is Warren Davies I think.

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