Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 2nd April, 2015)
Wigan Subscription Bowling Club
How much a year does it cost to bowl on this green?
Membership covers bowling, the AGM is to be held mid April, when the fees will be set. Contact me then and I will let you know.
Nice photo Tom, taken very recently,as the advertising panels that were there last year have now been removed.
Nice to see it without the adverts shown on P-a-D 30th Nov.2014.
Wish my lawn looked like that.
Lovely picture.
Is this near the cricket club?
I wouldnt mind joining...once I get my finger and thumb bias sorted!!
Tom would have his back to the cricket club when taking the photo. The Subs. Club car park is between the 2 clubs.
What a lovely, peaceful scene.
I will be bowling at the Club next Wednesday afternoon and evening, if there is anyone interested in looking at the Club please visit me there.
Thanks Aubrey
Aubrey can you wear something that I will be able to recognize you with
If you are on your bike I'll know you, otherwise just ask for me, there are no others with my Christian name
OK Aubrey
Does the entrance gate still say, 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'? I remember that from the early 50's when my grandfather Phil Paddock took me in there when he got stuck with child care.
Yes it does.
Thanks, Aubrey.