Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 17th March, 2012)
St Catharine's spire

Photo: Rev David Long (Konica Minolta Dynax 7D)
This photo does not inSPIRE much comment. But very essential to maintain the correct order 9of positioning of the blocks.
You certainly get around a bit, don't you.
No doubt someone is counting the number of stones there are. Reverend, could you find out the total number and inform us on Photo-a-Day?
That is interesting Rev. I Like to know how these things are done.
On 2nd thoughts, the total number of stones to be kept secret so that a lottery can take place with proceeds going to church funds. The winner would be the one who has guessed this total number correctly.
hope theres a good fence around it otherwise the Black Bull might end up with a spire on it!
I hope they don't have any spare pieces left over at the end. ;-)
Very interesting Rev, intricate work.
That's great to hear Rev thanks :)