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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 4th March, 2012)

St John's Church and St John's C.Y.M.S.

St John's Church and St John's C.Y.M.S.
Standishgate, Wigan. The old Whitbread Trophy Bitter sign still there.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 4,596

Comment by: Tom Walsh on 4th March 2012 at 01:27

St., Johns Church was untill 1933 a Jesuit Churh . Which explaines why there are two Catholic Churchs so close together ,St Marys
Only 100 yds.,or so along Standishgate, Jesuits along with Benedictines were outside the auspices of The Liverpool Archdiocese,
each being administerd by their own Orders
St., Johns underwent a major refurbishment a few years ago, whilst some seating was lost, the beauty of the interior was left intact.

Comment by: Derek Platt on 4th March 2012 at 01:48

That was my old church when I was growing up in the mid forties to early sixties.When we used to attend the Sunday evening service, then straight to the pub. My old school was also St. Johns opposite up Brick Kiln Lane.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 4th March 2012 at 10:11

Your photos have a certain style,Brian.You're a natural.Photographs can draw attention to everyday sights that we often take for granted.

Comment by: A parr Adelaide on 4th March 2012 at 12:41

They just managed to squees a toilet into the top right hand corner,but only just.Good one Brian.

Comment by: Michael. on 4th March 2012 at 17:31

"...the beauty of the interior was left intact." Are you kidding, Tom Walsh? The liturgical vandals have made it look like the set of the Starship Enterprise.

Comment by: Tom Walsh on 4th March 2012 at 19:16

Michael, may I refer you to Photo-a-Day
24th Feb., this year, and in particular your comment re St., John's Church , you mention its glorious interior, albeit qualified by your reference to liturgical vandals . Some of changes were not welcomed by everybody, that is true, but I think we can agree that it still quite outstanding . I wonder if one of the regular photographers to this site would be interested in posting shot of the interior .I unfortunately don't have the expertise .

Comment by: Barbara on 9th March 2012 at 16:08

In the 1950's there used to be a baker's shop to the right of this photo. On our way home from school. the aroma of freshly baked bread was irresistible. I used to love eating their hot 'penny loaves' and their shop was crowded at hometime with like- minded girls in their school uniform.

Comment by: Peter Thomas Cliff on 1st October 2012 at 09:21

I went to st Johns school and church from 1960 - 1964 now living in the US.

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