Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 24th November, 2011)
Secret lake

I used a Quality Street wrapper to give this unusual colour & softness.
Photo: John Harrison (Lumix DMC-G1, 1/200Sec. on F5.0 on 100 ASA, 14mm)
Ingenious. I like it.
Could be a prehistoric Mars, I like the sky. Which chocolate did the wrapper come off John?
Great colour - nice a peaceful looking photo.
Clever shot, John! It looks rather eerie and mysterious.----Why do I sometimes have to resubmit my comment several times???
Excellent subject and well composed. Great reflections. Very clever idea John, however colour is a bit strong for me! Would have loved to see the natural colours as well.
Quality Street are not what they used to be try using Caburys Roses wrappers next time John.
Well its unusual John I will say that for your Photo. Where is Woodshaw Wood.?
Tried that myself in the old days John. What flavour was choc? H.
i dont know wot to make of it . it looks like you"ve put a chocolate wrapper over the lens. lets face it the sky isnt really that colour is it?
Seems to be increasing in size that pond John since I was last round there ,like the photo John different, plenty good tips on here.
not really my cup of tea, colours are way too rich and look as though they have been painted on afterwards. if it weren't for the unrealistic colours i would have liked it