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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 25th June, 2011)

Alas, no more

Alas, no more
The 112 year old tree met its fate mid-week.

Photo: Edward Spencer  (Canon EOS 450D)
Views: 4,880

Comment by: Ken R on 25th June 2011 at 00:30

Shame... I wouldn't like to be chopped down when I am 112.

Comment by: dave c on 25th June 2011 at 06:49

One of the sddaest sights I've seen recently. I wonder if Wign council applied for permission from itself to carry out this act of environmental vandalism. I am aware of the various diseases that affect Chestnut trees, but this is a conservaton area and smacks distinctly of the "elf n safety" brigade. Is something going to be planted in its place....I doubt it.

Comment by: henry7 on 25th June 2011 at 08:45

How sad!!

Comment by: Ron D on 25th June 2011 at 09:25

What have they done with it?.I have a wood burner.

Comment by: jay on 25th June 2011 at 10:14

very sad :-(

Comment by: Cyril on 25th June 2011 at 11:05

Gone, but not forgotten by hundreds of schoolchildren and their winning conkers.

Comment by: peterp on 25th June 2011 at 11:14

Another tree bits the (saw)dust

Comment by: MikeW on 25th June 2011 at 13:10

Sad but unfortunately very necessary. Perhaps for the benefit of the cynics the council should have left the tree until it collapsed on its own on the next windy day. Then you could all say someone might have been maimed or killed and how careless of you for knowingly putting peoples lives at risk and demanding that someone should be sacked.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th June 2011 at 21:17

I'm not too sure about the actions taken in the Borough over 'diseased' trees. A group of cherry trees were cut down by Britannia Bridge School because of 'disease', which might have led to a limb falling on an unfortunate child. Seems like this is a similar situation. I'm not aware of any remedial or preventative work having been undertaken to control any disease. It might be that financial pressures have led to the council deciding to simply get rid of the trees entirely, rather than trying to carry out more costly disease control measure.

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