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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 24th June, 2011)

112 Years

112 Years
This horse chestnut has watched kids into Woodfield school for 112 years, alas she is now old and really really ill and unsafe. At the time this photo was added a couple of days ago, the tree is being felled.

Photo: Edward Spencer  (Canon EOS 450D)
Views: 6,611

Comment by: Ken R on 24th June 2011 at 00:02

Nice shot of the tree. Where is this Woodfield St?.

Comment by: Gerald Pilkington Canada on 24th June 2011 at 00:46

what about a trim and save the tree

Comment by: peterp on 24th June 2011 at 07:41

This tree has been around for a lot of our history,survived 2 world wars and more besides.lets hope it is replaced and the new tree stands the test of time

Comment by: Garners girl on 24th June 2011 at 07:58

So sad that such a magnificent tree has to go. Unfortunately things have to change...we can't save everything.
Thanks for the information Edward.

Comment by: henry7 on 24th June 2011 at 10:11

The tree looks really healthy, why are they felling it, is it a problem with the roots maybe? Hate to see a living thing hacked to the ground.

Comment by: ted spencer on 24th June 2011 at 10:15

ken r. its woodfield school, a bit higher up than the cherry gardens pub

Comment by: David Barker on 24th June 2011 at 10:33

Pity it couldn't be saved,a lot of trees are let get out of hand in the borough blocking road signs and traffic signals etc .Hi Ken the tree is on Wigan Lane past the Cherry gardens opposite the school,nice photo Edward.

Comment by: Gareth on 24th June 2011 at 11:08

The tree doesn't look to bad to me either and their is also a photo of the same tree in the archives dated 09 September 2010

Comment by: Mick on 24th June 2011 at 11:34

I would have saved the stump and got a tree stump carver in to make a nice wooden sculpture.

Are else just leave the stump so that Wiganers could knock in there spare coins for good luck.

Comment by: Cyril on 24th June 2011 at 12:03

Thanks for sharing this photo with us Ted, just hope the council doesn't now sell the field for development.

Comment by: The Gwim Weaper on 24th June 2011 at 12:56

Comment by David Barker on 24th June 2011 at 10:33
Pity it couldn't be saved,a lot of trees are let get out of hand in the borough blocking road signs and traffic signals etc

Yep, let's cut all the trees down, the road signs can't be moved. Duh!

Comment by: David Barker on 24th June 2011 at 14:33

I didnt mean cut the trees down Gwim far from it, just keep them trimmed I'm all for greenery.Duh.

Comment by: David on 24th June 2011 at 16:41

What a shame!

Comment by: The Gwim Weaper on 24th June 2011 at 18:34

Then allow me to apologise, David.

Wouldn't it be more prudent to place the road signs away from possible future obstructions such astrees which have a tendency to grow?

Comment by: a banks on 24th June 2011 at 19:35

in the past their has been talk about children throwing sticks at this same tree to get conkers, some useless fool said they could get hurt doing this ,where did they spend their childhood , this tree could be made safe , its nother but health and safety gone mad . not be long now before they fence the land off , to stop you falling over the bloody grass.

Comment by: Mick on 24th June 2011 at 20:25

British road signs have to be erected at the right distance high and angle from what they are telling you.

Besides its got nothing to do with any signs the trees is ill and need chopping down to stop the disease spreading.

Comment by: mick on 25th June 2011 at 11:46

well said alan , couldnt have put it better myself ,

Comment by: Mystery Man on 2nd July 2011 at 21:48

I work for wigan council and am upset this has come down, in my opinion it could have been saved!

Comment by: Razzle on 12th October 2013 at 12:53

A couple of years has now passed and Ive just learnt that this magnificent Horse Chestnut has gone.Would have been nice to have assessed the tree again myself as it was me that treated it for pseudomonas bleeding canker,Phytophthora and Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner. The treatments are scientifically proven and I know from experience that they're effective. I firmly believe that this tree and many like it can be better managed from a pest and disease point of view,cost effectively, to ensure wonderful over mature trees like this one remain in our landscapes for a lot longer.

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