Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 22nd May, 2011)
Photo: Mick Byrne (Sony camcorder HDR)
Brilliant! A good opportunity well taken.
it's on lockett road. you could have a better shot with sun behind you. its too dark.
I actually quite like the fact that it's in silhouette
Great shot of the sun and the rest in darness. Gives the picture interest.
Well caught.
A good example of 'right place,right time.
Excellent photo Mick. With the photo being taken at that angle it makes it more exciting and dramatically actionated, like how photos of the blitz are.
Clever shot Mick.
You got by far the best pictures of that fire Mick.
Very dramatic shot, Mick. Worthy of any photo competition.
Should take first prize...
Jim it should read WAS on lockett rd remains to be demolished
Excellent shot, I agree with Cyril, it is like the shots in the Blitz. The backlighting gives it its impact.