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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 21st June, 2010)

Are England playing?

Are England playing?
Hindley Arms on the corner of Market St/Albert St in Hindley, where you can watch the footy on 15 screens! After the performance so far, its bad enough watching on 1, never mind 15.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 5,032

Comment by: Derek in Aus. on 21st June 2010 at 00:14

Used to be The Fingers Crn Market st and Albert St. when I lived in

Comment by: Mick on 21st June 2010 at 04:45

The fans should get wise with these footballers because there ripping you all off by not giving value for money.

Comment by: alan on 21st June 2010 at 05:14

I hope the beer is better than the appearance of the building.

Comment by: Dennis Miller on 21st June 2010 at 06:31

'The Fingers'! I have had my earwax blown to smithereens in there a few times in my youth. They used to have a brilliant Rock night.

Comment by: aitch on 21st June 2010 at 09:32

It used to be the Hand & Hart when I frequented the place every Friday night many moons ago, it was one of the walk we did, starting from the Spinners and then every pub to the Bird and then back to Ince, to finish the night off in the labour club

Comment by: Derek in Aus. on 21st June 2010 at 10:30

Right Aitch, knew it as the fingers by the Hand & Heart sign they had.

Comment by: aitch on 21st June 2010 at 11:22

looking at the chimney pots on top of the building, the nickname fingers seems very apt

Comment by: janet on 21st June 2010 at 13:55

I agree with Mick,,the footballers are an embarrassment to their country..They have no pride, they don't give a Damn, they are taking your money and playing with it, but it isn't football they are playing and if they don't turn this around, the whole lot should be fired.

Comment by: Mick on 21st June 2010 at 20:47

There not playing with my money Janet because I wont give them any.

And if I was the president of France I would send him who as gone home on is own to join the French foreign legion

Comment by: Ken R on 24th June 2010 at 23:53

Do the patrons still go outside on a fine saturday night lining the pavements?

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