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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 4th June, 2010)

Keeping up with Mum

Keeping up with Mum
L&L Canal, Haigh.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Canon 400d. 13.5mm---35mm lens.)
Views: 4,068

Comment by: Ellen on 4th June 2010 at 01:43

Could this be the same Mrs.Swan we saw on Aug.31st. of last year? If so,she's outdone herself by two babes! Great picture once more, Ron. I can almost feel the wetness of the canal!

Comment by: Sheda (Singapore) on 4th June 2010 at 06:39

Awesome photo, Ron.
It is always them and Mum, did u ever wonder where's Dad?

Comment by: Ron D on 4th June 2010 at 10:29

Ellen .I am almost sure it is . But last count there where only 6 left. Suspect the minx. Sheda he is usually around.

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