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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 3rd June, 2010)

Heads or tails

Heads or tails
Rowing pound, L&L canal, Haigh.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Canon 400d. 13.5mm---35mm lens.)
Views: 4,825

Comment by: alan on 3rd June 2010 at 00:32

Defintely different.

Comment by: Sparky2009 on 3rd June 2010 at 00:39

Nice one Ron

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 3rd June 2010 at 07:08

Remember tadpoles as a kid, used to call them "cockes" used to go with empty jam jars and our nets and try and catch them.... but you have to be quick.

Thank for the memories Ron.

Comment by: Jo Anne on 3rd June 2010 at 09:12

Brilliant - thanks, Ron :o)

Comment by: Cyril on 3rd June 2010 at 09:45

Well captured Ron, if this warm weather continues they will soon be sprouting legs, come on the frogs.

Comment by: A Parr Australia on 3rd June 2010 at 10:19

Great shot,Ron. the heads have it..

Comment by: Fred Mason on 3rd June 2010 at 19:28

Interesting point, Colin. My dad used to take my little brother and I to the ponds at the brickworks at Marsh Green, near to Heinz and the red brick road. We caught sticklebacks with a worm tied onto a piece of string and my dad called them 'cockies'. We then put them into a jam jar. I was 6-7 years old (1952-53). What good times.

Comment by: sue.64 on 3rd June 2010 at 23:38

same as you fred .. we called sticlebacks cockies. tadpoles where always tadpoles.

nice pic though

Comment by: Ken R on 4th June 2010 at 01:01

Good one Ron. In my day (long time ago) we called the sticklebacks "cockies" and the tadpoles "taddies". Great times at the old works ponds near the Aspull Civic Centre.

Comment by: mickey on 19th June 2010 at 17:57

Cockies were always sticklebacks, where we came from. as you say Ron, the tadpoles were taddies.

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