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drive away awning
very friendly pug puppies for adoption
Mamas and Papas Travel System Ocarro 8 Piece Bundle
Child car seats
(£25 each)
Bench Grinder
soundZrite. Disco
(Contact for a quote)
nitro model car parts
(free to enthusiast)
Wigan Block Paving Driveways & Garden Patios
(Free Quote)
Garden Sheds
Reconditioned Stairlifts - Fitted with 1 year warranty
Power assisted bikes
(£ 60 FOR BOTHE OR £3)
Wigan Block Paving & Landscaping
(Free Quote)
External log storage
Galvanised steel coal bunker
Flymo Mower in good condition with spare blades
Chiefs Taxis
(cheapest in wigan)
Wigan Block Paving & Garden Patios
(Free Quote)
double glazed window
wanted, lawn mower. not a flymo
Anytime Locksmiths Wigan
Rockery rocks
Wanted anyone gifting any garden plants or bulbs
garden york stone
(£30 cheap)