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Wiganers at Work



My nan and friends at Heinz
My nan and friends at Heinz
Photo: Craig Millward
Views: 16,246
Item #: 461
My nan and friends at Heinz. My nans second from the left

Comment by: Enid Warren on 11th February 2016 at 21:53

My sister Jean Higham is the lady on the end right hand side of the photo,sadly she passed away on the 10/12/2014 much missed.Enid Warren

Comment by: Craig on 26th February 2016 at 21:53

Sorry to hear that, my nan is second from the left. Shes 83 now

Comment by: jud on 16th September 2016 at 15:26

Joan Gordon, second from the right, used to work in the canteen with my mam.

Comment by: Enid Warren on 26th March 2017 at 21:36

Jud I think all the ladies in the photo worked in the canteen at heinz

Comment by: Derek Bannister on 10th April 2018 at 07:24

My Dad Bill Bannister worked at Kitt Green for as long as i remember.

Comment by: Jenny on 21st June 2021 at 12:45

I worked in Heinz in the seventies

Comment by: Barbara Dutton on 14th August 2024 at 18:11

My uncle John ( jacky) Sharrock ,and Aunty Betty worked at Heinz for years.

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