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Wiganers at Work

Northern Counties


Kuwait Double Deck
Kuwait Double Deck
Photo: Paul Hilton
Views: 3,775
Item #: 245
Photo Taken On Lamberhead Industrial Site Situated To The Rear Of The Works

Comment by: dave b on 7th October 2010 at 15:17

did this have two entrances one for males and one for females

Comment by: MICHAEL HEATH on 11th January 2011 at 20:48

I worked in the bus design office when these vehicles were built. The chassis was a LHD AN68 Atlantean and the body was based on the Greater Manchester design. The "Leyland" badge on the front was the updaterd version of the "old" Leyland Motors script. I know this because I created the drawing for it from a plastic model and developed the production version with Joseph Fray Ltd. of Birmingham. Leeyland bus were the main contractors for this order. Unfortunately the humidity in Kuwait played havoc with the interior lining panels on these vehicles, they delaminated and also the sand brought in on passengers feet wore away the floor coverings. An object lesson that materials that are fine in the UK are sometimes not suitable overseas. Its interesting to see that the front bumper is the Goodyear energy aborbing design - something essential with the driving standards out there.

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