Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 15th January, 2025)
Stanley Nook
Been in there many a time nothing special.
I bet that was a bracing good walk in the fresh air up in the wilds of Aspull.. That’s a lovely snowy scene best seen well wrapped up.
Very special for the people whose home it is.
One of my favourite places in Aspull going to Toddington.
Dennis. Is that the farm house, that was near
Aspull High School. If so do you remember Eric Marsden. He was in our year at school, but not our form.
Great pic Dennis,of a lovely area.
Lovely,much nicer than 'special'?? Shevy
Well said, Pat McC.
I do remember Eric, Kath and I bet Walt remembers him too. I seem to recall we once went shooting rats with Eric in the barn.
The Marsden Family owned and ran a few farms in and around Aspull and New Springs.
Eric’s cousin, David Marsden was in the same class as you and me and we dodged many a P.E lesson together. David was of the opinion that working on the farm the last thing he needed was extra exercise, but he loved the farm and never wanted to do anything else after he left school.
Eric’s family ran this farm and they delivered milk to the doorstep in and around Aspull. This was a time when your milk came in a bottle with cream on the top. Now it comes in a plastic box from the Supermarket.
I can also remember Marsdens to Dennis my grandmas and grandad of St Marys Road used to have milk delivered since the 60s if they ran out of milk i went to the farm those nice times everything was proper done in bottles not plastic now you can get milk from any shop now not like the good old days.
moaning mick if not one of his photos never likes s it unless its in shevy
Dennis. I remember David, he was very clever, but he always sat at the back of the class, and couldn’t care less about school work. As you say he just wanted to leave and work on the farm. I think he sat next to somebody call Fillingham. David married Dorothy Armer, who has passed away. I believe David now lives in Scotland. My source of information is Kathleen Tait. Assume you remember her. We had our milk delivered from that farm.
He likes to grab the spotlight Fred.
And doesn’t it show Fred…so obvious.
A bleak and cold scene Dennis one I am not familiar with, I think its rather special capturing a winters scene and atmosphere.
Cold as it might be, on this day in 1867 it was even colder, it was reported that whilst the lake was frozen in Regents Park London, 40 of the hundreds of people enjoying the fun on the ice lost their lives when the ice gave way and they plunged into the icy water.
Can we please have the same scene in the summer as I am feeling a bit of a chill?
So very obviously jealous,Mick
Kath H, I heard that David had passed away also, sometime after Dorothy. You’re right, he was a clever lad. He would probably have been a success no matter what he did, but he loved the farming.
I remember Kathleen Tait, Irene Burns, Olive Brown and a few others, but I think a lot of the class came from St John’s. There was a mixture from all over the district.
Mick Byrne, Wigan Mick or just old plain boring Mick. I think they're all the same bloke.
Bowt time he drove his Shevy to a Levy and tipped over the side along with his electric bike. Snipe Snipe Snipe, no party would be complete without his damp blanket.
I've left about three messages today saying that when the post was made in my name at 05.42 I was in my kitchen preparing my eggs benedict.
So I wonder who was also up at that time.
A nice snowy scene Dennis, seems we can be expecting some more snow too shortly.
They did breed and show horses and stable horses there too at one time, though it seems they now only supply horse bedding, bagged wood shavings and sawdust, also wood chippings, unless anyone knows anymore about the horses.
Colin, here's another photo of it PaD 23rd December 2020 again by Dennis, and plenty of info too, though no snow.
Big Harold, do you host sleepovers and how many can you accommodate?
Kath H - I recall a Graham Fillingham, a good footballer, who played wing half for Aspull Methodists, coached by Billy Hindley.
Yes Dennis I remember it well, had some great times helping with their milk rounds on a Sunday morning. Milk delivered seven days a week back then as you say, in bottles. You're right, both Eric and David long gone now, sadly. This farm was always a busy place to be. George and Phyllis lived here with their two sons, George and Eric Marsden, often think of those days. Thanks for the memory Marra.
"That's another fine mess you got me into - Stanley."
Well if that’s a slur on me as I was up early this morning ( due to having a frozen shoulder which is very painful!) I assure everyone I have never , ever used anybody else’s name I can’t think of anything more juvenile!…. I am also sure that Admin would know that…so put that in your pipe and smoke it! As the saying goes.
I will admit that when I saw the comment from Mick from very early this morning, I DID wonder if someone was using his name, but if that is the case, I can assure you it wasn't Veronica......she is as honest as the day is long and would NEVER hide behind a false name. She will certainly say what she thinks, but she is no coward, and any comments she makes will be fair and honest and under her own name.
Cyril, I’ve just been looking back at that photo and the last two comments by Ken Blinstone reminded me of just how lucky we were to be growing up at that time.
No health and safety then, no parents constantly looking over your shoulder and no mobile phones wanting to know where you are and what you are doing.
We were has free as a bird to wander the fields or climb trees in the Plantations. We could go swimming in the lodges or the canal or climbing the Wutchie and sliding back down. We could go fishing in the “Fiver” with nothing more than a gut bottom and a cane rod.
I wish todays kids could enjoy the kind of freedom that we had.
Irene, it's unusual for you to keep from commenting until 8pm, have you had a busy day?
Or have you been keeping your head down waiting for orders?
I DID comment, at 9.21 a.m, HAROLD, and, for what it's worth, I had a feeling it wasn't you who commented at 5.42 a.m. I take orders from no-one; I have a mind of my own, and a voice of my own, as has Veronica. If I think someone is in the wrong I will say so, and I will also speak up if I think someone is right. Both Veronica and I have been the victims of people commenting under our names in the past, so we know what it feels like.
Irene, it doesn't bother me one bit,. I just feel sorry for them, especially the deadbeats who keep mentioning the village where you live.
Only just seen this post. You must be the biggest ‘deadbeat’ ( your words) there is for putting folk and places down. Pot/ kettle comes to mind. It’s no business of yours if people are friendly or not. How’s Joan these days. Was she ‘under orders’?