Photo-a-Day (Friday, 27th December, 2024)
Photo: Mick Byrne (.)
Flying rats and a pest to society, filthy vermin that cause damage to our Towns and Cities. Please do not feed them, in some cases Councils can impose fines, they also breed all year round and nest on beautiful buildings and under bridges they shed their droppings on people and footpaths.
They are over populated and need reducing right now. So please don't feed them.
Pigeons cause damage to parks and buildings. Their droppings are everywhere on park benches and path ways. They have some lovely colour feathers, but have a filthy lifestyle.
Pigeons attack people in Towns and Parks for food, they shouldn't be fed by humans. Let them fend for themselves.
They copy seagulls and can be aggressive in packs like you see here in Micks photo.
I think he could be feeding them Mick.
Not a good idea.
It looks like the man is just walking along and the birds are flying AWAY from him not attacking him
Good photo Mick but I don't think pigeons attack people...I think he has a bag of goodies & thats why they are surrounding the man.....I am sure feeding them in public areas is not against any laws but I think it's frowned on these days. Just as here , don't feed the seagulls.
Could it be that he's feeding them?
It’s like a scene from the 1963 film ‘The Birds’ but no sign of Tippi Hedron or Jessica Tandie.
In the original book by Daphne Du Maurier published in 1952 it was set in Cornwall after WW2 and not America.
That unfortunate man should have known better than take pasty into the park from the Pound Bakery!
He doesn't look as if he's being attacked....he looks as if he's ambling along reading a newspaper. Perhaps the headline "Wild Bird Food Prices Soar In Wigan" has caught their attention.
Ps. If he had not died 10 years ago, that pensioner could be Rod Taylor, he would have been 95 on January 7th.
They are a pest in the garden and pinch the food I put out for the garden birds.
We have Woodpigeons in our garden they are a pest too.
Pleased to see there are railings again in front of the pond. The last time I was in the park there were no railings and the path was a mess with the bird life. The swans, ducks and the pigeons were all in a ‘ free for all’ and it made it difficult to walk past them. I can’t understand why the railings were removed in the first place. Perhaps the pigeons are starving …we are living in ‘ hard times’….due to the ‘economic climate’! Brr.
Apart from the pigeons there are lots of Gulls in the park and the town centre and they do swoop at people.
Both are a nuisance and more should done to get rid of them and stop people feeding them.
Pigeons even fly up and down inside the bus station and scurry around your feet like rats looking for crumbs.
Who rid us of these turbulent vermin.
How do we know he's a 'pensioner'?
Is he not a man walking in Mesnes Park?
At least they're not coming here expecting (and getting), money, food and accommodation for free. All they want is a bit of pastry off somebody's pie.
Babs, I just zoomed in on his hair, it could be Boris Johnson or Donald Trump in which case the later would qualify.
I agree Babs an unfortunate pro- noun. He looks fit enough to me. He may be cowering in fear of being under attack. I and my grandson felt the same a number of years ago …Swans swanning, ducks dribbling, pigeons pecking and other birds bulldozing about in competition for tit bits…all in the name of survival. ( I turned the buggy round and retreated…..)
I don't like pigeons very much but I love your picture Mick. Thank you
I must admit they are a pest and health hazard even though I had around 30 fantails when I was maybe 14 and a tame magpie.Sue if you’re bird table has a roof on supported by legs cut the legs down enough to stop the pigeons being able to access and reattach. I was amazed by a Robin that used to come for worms etc when I was digging the garden over very often perching on my spade when I was having a minute it’s a pity Robins only live for around 3 years we’ve had peacocks,moorhens and guinea fowls in our garden when living up Snydale.
Simple answer, get in touch.... preferably by email.... to the environmental officer at Wigan Council & you can find his details on the Council website.
Not difficult at all.
Irene well put. Your absolute right.
From the back he looks just like the man who posts on here regularly, the truth would be out if we saw him from the front, Irene you mentioned a newspaper so could it be Rouleur or maybe Tom Hughes diary that he's reading.
Pigeons are very canny and are the survivors of the world, given the chance they would outlive us and perhaps the reason why folks hate them so much, also the hospitals and clinics aren't exactly overflowing with folks suffering the ill effects from Pigeon droppings on the footpaths in the park or town centre, and yes folk who are daft enough to try removing dried Pigeon droppings without wearing a respirator have ended up with Psittacosis, and other lung diseases, though you can get the same from any other birds droppings - cage birds included.
They are just a smidgeon of the vast amount of wildlife in parks and gardens and bring a lot of enjoyment to many, so if you are of the small number of folk who hates Pigeons or indeed you suffer from Peristerophobia, and so do not want Pigeons to come anywhere near you, or to not visit your gardens - just stop putting out food for birds or Pigeon proof the feeding area, they'll soon realise you've got the hump and go elsewhere.
Just off the subject for a minute Colin.
I've just watched the Snowman with my grandson and had to laugh, the young boy's dad reminds me of Garry, he's sitting next to the coalfire toasting bread with a fork while the son makes a snowman. Fantastic.
Cyril I thought exactly the same about that guy maybe his bike is in for service. I must admit wood pigeons come to me when sat in the garden and are inches away when I’m feeding them on corn,we do have names for them one is toeless as it’s one short but as you say when you stop feeding them they don’t come.
Er, John did I mention that I had a toe drop of tother day? If I shuffle over your way can I expect you to throw a crust or two my way seeing as how you seem to be partial to feeding toeless creatures?
Mind you, don’t want any corn, I got rid of a large corn when mi toe dropped off.
A nice bit of left over turkey wouldn’t go amiss.
John have you been at Garry's sherry.
Oh how soon we forget during WW1 and WW2 these birds served an invaluable service in defeating the dreaded Bosch as messenger pigeons and many a poor creature died in the line of duty. All I have to say is it's a good job cows can't fly . 0 0
DTease your more than welcome to shuffle over to my place I’m sure to find you something even though we didn’t have a Turkey (due to daughter doing cooking this Christmas)and supply with a drink of your choice wether it be bitter,larger or a Garry special sherry that choice will be yours.
Malc afraid not Ron Bacardi and coke tonight a change from Irish Coffee or John Smith’s bitter.
Please send a donation of £2 a month to the Toeless Pigeon/People Society@Google It’s not only the Donkey Sanctuary that’s needs your money. Please remember them in your Will. You will never be forgotten in the book of Remembrance.
Veronica you can not be serious………
That’s Boris, wandering around with the only friends he has left.
Boris looks like he’s lost weight!
John, we too have Wood Pigeons coming for food, however they wait in the trees for two Collared Doves to come along, as they do a circus act balancing on the feeder whilst scratching out food onto the ground and then they all join in pecking up the sunflower hearts and bits of nuts.
That sounds to be sore DTease, was it Frostbite or Bumblefoot that got your toe?
You may be right too with Donald Trump DTease, but what if it was Joe Biden wearing wife Jill's wig under a baseball cap:
Cyril these wood pigeons don’t wait for the collared Doves they do the the trapeze act on the feeder scattering all the seed etc out then pick what they like and leave what they don’t,I often wonder if the pigeon got its toe stuck in the little perches that slide in.Magpies are smart to dipping bread in bird bath to soften it up nature eh.
They are very clever John, they won't go hungry.
Hope your girl is feeling a lot better from the flu.
Wonder if Mick got splattered, though if he did he would be keeping quiet about it.
Cyril thanks for the mention she’s improving but not as fast as I’d like and had to miss her nan’s 103rd birthday today.