Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 5th December, 2024)
Standish Christmas Market
Just one of many performers providing entertainment into the night for the thousands who flocked to Standish for this annual event.
Photo: Colin Traynor (iPhone)
Ukulele, the most tuneless musical instrument ever invented
Very festive Colin.
'Count your blessings and smile'
Just like the good old times i am glad that they can keep old tradition times it would make a lovely christmas card.
Anybody can join the Wigan Ukelele as long as you are tone-deaf.
Same with the Wigan drumming band, who occasionally beat their drums on the marketplace.
Well done to those people for bringing their time and their talent, (regardless of uncalled-for criticism) and their JOY to the event. It's Standish Christmas Market, not The Royal Command Performance, and I'm sure the people of Standish enjoyed it.
And so this is Christmas. Excellent photo. Christmas spirit is here. But the Salvation Army is the best, the Carols and the band what more do we want.
It's heartening to know such a big crowd for the event on a cold December night! A neighbour of mine is the teacher and leader of a ukele group but she is only one or two lessons ahead of her underlings. Regardless of that fact they seem to enjoy themselves and freely give of their time for charities, care homes and so on. Well done to them and to the Wigan ukele players.
I'm sure you are right about the 'tone deaf' bit !
They do many charity events, recently they undertook a 12 hour Uke-a-Thon at Asda which raised a lot of money for Children In Need.
Some scathing comments, but quite funny all the same - and they've probably heard worse, also I'm sure on the day they were very entertaining, in their own style. Well done to them too for doing their Ukelele marathon.
Probably with Hawaii being a state Uke's are quite popular in America -
The above comment is not me.
Very festive and making an effort for the public.
I think most Christmassy songs would be ok with ukuleles but somehow ‘Silent Night’ and “ Holy Night’ ( my favourite) wouldn’t be the same. You can’t beat a full orchestra for the last one with Andre Boccelli singing.
Personally, I don't like Christmas songs except "Last Christmas" by Wham!, which I could listen to in a heatwave in July. I think it's due to working in Department Stores for so many years where they were played all day from October onwards! The customers could get away but the staff were stuck with it from 9am to 5.30. ! I don't like choirs in Supermarkets singing carols either....I find it upsetting without being able to explain why. Some people love it. How different we all are!
I'd pick a brass band any day of the year.
Irene,now it’s my turn to have my comment to go missing..all I can say is if there’s anyone on here that can do better,then give them any instrument and see how good they are..not..
Veronica,my favourite Carol is “Oh Holy Night ” and I haven’t heard it played or sung once this year..of course I love “Silent Night”as well.
All you need is the Salvation Army band...and Carol's. Forget Christmas Songs, those Carol's the ladies have mentioned....perfect. Happy Christmas.
Ukulele alright for the Clampets in the Beverly Hillbillies. And I'm not blowing my own trumpet.
Yes it really gets to you and it’s so uplifting isn’t it Maureen.
Ti's the season and Silent Night in German can be OK, if its not me singing it.
I used to play a drum with one stick, but was demoted to triangle for being caught standing on it.
The triangle is better for Jingle Bells although it sounded out of tune in my hands at the time and the following week I was back on the drum, untill.... I fell off it.
Then I felt the music made by a stick on my leg, and never looked back after that.
Peace be with you.
Stille Nacht, what could be more like Christmas. I used to love the Christmas period in Germany.
Please God , I’ve tried my best to be a good person , so could you please see your way clear to allowing me to die before I’m coerced into becoming a member of a ukelele band ?
I promise not to ask anything more of your holyship … honest !