Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 3rd December, 2024)
Mobile Munching

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
There's a few of these Citroën about selling junkfoods. They are a weird looking vehicle, but have a spacious kitchen.
Not my cup of tea donuts, a very unhealthy snack.
Crepes and donuts? Yuk! I don't like anything sweet so count me out and I'll have a meat pie.
Hi Peter this is a copy of an H van, its a shell on a trailer ........
I think that it would be better if they did something more desirable like english fish and chips it also would make a killing especially these cold days and also hot soup.
I was trying to see the price of the basic sugar donut on the menu but my resolution is not good enough. It seems to be £3 which is ridiculous but not as bad as the PAD on 7th December 2023 which was £4 at Sweet Treats. Outrageous for a bit of fried dough to take away. I remember when they were a tanner each or three for a shilling. Furthermore, in those days we spelt the noun properly as doughnut, not as donut.
Nando’s for mme Dennis,I wouldn’t mind the Citroen given to me though.
A bag er chips anytime.
I Hate sugar stuff.
Wooden blocks are often placed under the rear wheels of these vehicles, to stop little French poncake flippers rolling out of the back door onto the Wigan flags.
I don't see many queuing up. Uncle Sam’s junk food coupled with other take away food will ensure an unhealthy generation of elderly people in years to come. It’s not cheap either. I remember coming back from Cornwall for a lunch break and there was nothing I could find to eat apart from Mc Donald’s and Co. All with long queues. Usually you do see a M&S Food outlet but there wasn’t one that day. I did without.
Why do we have so much junk food thrown in our faces. Not a good advert for children. Not only this van. but junk food shop too that our Town is full of them.
Two food wagons and a sparsely lit Christmas Tree. Welcome to Wigan all you out of town shoppers.
At least this year we have tree, let’s see how long that lasts before the vandals get to work!
Dennis Seddon
What has it got to do with the police ?
It’s just a novelty,no one is twisting your arm up your back to buy anything.
Sorry to disagree but I do like freshly baked doughnuts, the smell is mouthwatering. As for Crepes try the with cherries, flambéed in brandy with dollop of cream, mmmmmm.
Now back to my fish and chips!
The young lady in blue seems as though she may have sampled the odd donut or two in her time ….
Cruel ? … who’s being cruel ?
I’m not the one making her scoff the damn things am I ? …
THAT would be being cruel .
Better make a dash for the Air Raid Shelter Ozy.
Well spotted JJF only just seen the trailer wheel in the centre was in a rush this morning and just got in,Ozy shhhhhhh if you cannot be nice don’t say anything.
I’m already in the air raid shelter DTease , have been for years , or have you forgotten ?