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Photos of Wigan

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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 7th September, 2024)

Rear of upper Wallgate

Rear of upper Wallgate
Rear of upper Wallgate, Wigan.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (.)
Views: 1,215

Comment by: T. D. on 7th September 2024 at 09:17

Presume it's not a washing line Mick?
The interesting cable management between those buildings favours a borrowers bodge up.

Comment by: Dek on 7th September 2024 at 11:27

Where is upper wallgate? I’ve lived within a mile of Wigan town centre for over 55 years and never heard of upper Wallgate.

Comment by: DTease on 7th September 2024 at 11:37

Did you meet Sally down that alley Mick? And did she have a hole in her sock and a hole in her shoe where her toe peeped through?
Sally was the smartest down that alley.
Which is Mother Kelly’s doorstep Mick?

Comment by: DTease on 7th September 2024 at 12:01

So far this month on P.A.D. We seem to be witnessing what can only be described as The death throes of a post industrial town in the North.
Have we nothing to leave for the next generation except tattoo’s, vaping and never ending debts? Can we not leave them at least the slight possibility that they may, one day, own a roof over their heads?
However humble that roof may be?

Comment by: Cyril on 7th September 2024 at 12:31

I do remember there being offices above the shops in the Tower Buildings, though can't say if legal or insurance, the other offices in the rear building were reached by going over that small skybridge, no idea what is up there now as the last I was there was in the 1990s. I know the buildings had been sold at auction with talk of the whole buildings to be renovated.
Wigan Buildings have written an interesting article on the building:

Comment by: Veronica on 7th September 2024 at 13:49

What gets me is the amount of traffic passing through Wigan but hardly any people walking about. Outside cafes were doing well though! I had to catch a rail replacement coach in Wallgate after travelling to the Lakes yesterday. At least it didn’t stop at every bus stop and it went along the scenic route - up Ladies Lane and through Aspull. The main roads are diabolical.

Comment by: Sir Bob on 7th September 2024 at 13:53

It is the alleyway behind Cash Converters (Tower Buildings) on Wallgate.

Nice one Cyril .....

Comment by: Bob Haydock on 7th September 2024 at 16:31

I was a little lost when I saw today's photo, so I went into town and had a look.
It's correct that it is behind the Tower building as it has been pointed out, I was surprised by the bridge connecting the two buildings and the large industrial type door.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 7th September 2024 at 16:38

If you see the location in real time you can see that at one time there were two more "bridges" connecting the two buildings

Comment by: Ticsmon on 7th September 2024 at 22:25

'Rear of Upper Wallgate' Reminds me of the Ramsbottom joke. I've been Lower Ramsbottom, but I haven't been Upper ....'

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