Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 8th August, 2024)

Trencherfield Mill on the right and the blue Wallgate railway bridge on the left.
Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-HX99)
An unusual view Dennis with a great panoramic view of Wigan, is that the spire of St Catherine's Church behind the block of flats?
Pity about the 'St Helens' Bus!
Aw! Be fair Colin, somebody has to live over the hill.
When I left school I almost got a job in St Helens. Fortunately I got a last minute reprieve!
Heaven forbid, but if run over by such a bus tomorrow what could ones last words be?
Apart from..
"Thank God I'm wearing clean underwear"
High-rise flats and chimney-pots..... a mixture of old and new Wigan. A good view there, Dennis.
The Blue Railway Bridge is The Wigan North-Western Railway Bridge and Not Wallgate Railway Bridge.
Good Photo and Clever.
Now then Colin as Dennis says be fair hahaha,I spent 12 months working out of St Helens in 1980 on the mixers with a great set of other drivers every other load going to Pilkingtons Glass works more or less good memories.
It's Stentellin in Wiganese.
Many years ago, we in the Abram/Platt Bridge area used to get a free newspaper called The St. Helens Star, (I don't know if other districts of Wigan got it). Anyway, I entered a competition in it one Christmas and won! My prize was a 12lb turkey, half a Stilton Cheese and a bottle of port.
I bet the St. Helens people weren't happy that Wiganer had won it but I thought up the winning slogan, so all's fair in love and war!
Many years ago a friend of mine was working for what was then the North West Electricity Board, and on one occasion was with a much older colleague on a job in Billinge, just over the border from Wigan into St. Helens . His older colleague was suddenly taken apparently seriously ill with chest pains and his first reaction to my friend was "Put me in't van and tek me back into Wiggin, I don't was to die in St Ellins"
In the pub some years ago , I happened to casually mention to an old acquaintance that my maternal grandfather had been from St.Helens . His good humoured response was "Well, that explains a lot of odd things about you that have always puzzled me". Don't know if it is in my genes but, for the most part, I have always liked people from St.Helens. Even the accent!!