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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 20th July, 2024)

Barney's Bar

Barney's Bar
Arcade Chambers, Arcade Street, Wigan.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,266

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 20th July 2024 at 06:50

What a sad sight. Those beautiful windows, ornate lettering and decorative brickwork. It might be on "the streets of Wigan" but the words from "The Streets of London" come to mind...."one more forgotten hero in a world that doesn't care".

Comment by: Veronica on 20th July 2024 at 08:14

Ashamed to say I’m not sure where this is although ‘ Arcade St’ is the clue! It’s looking a bit worse for wear for the ould Irish bar.

Comment by: Elaine on 20th July 2024 at 11:29

This was a busy bar with good atmosphere when it was the 'Stage Door',really enjoying going in there.x

Comment by: Julie on 20th July 2024 at 11:31

This looks really run-down, much worse than it did a few years ago.

Comment by: DerekB on 20th July 2024 at 12:27

Veronica, this is the arcade connecting Library St with King St. It was often wrongly referred to as Grimes Arcade, Grimes shop side entrance being in the arcade and the front of the Grimes shop on King St., almost opposite what was the County cinema.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 20th July 2024 at 13:11

Veronica, this is opposite Wallpaper Supplies and one of George Heaton’s
(Architect and Engineer) incredible contributions to Wigan’s late Victorian town scapes.
I’ll send you a larger picture which may help.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th July 2024 at 13:38

Thank you Derek I thought it must be in that area. Next time I go to Wigan whenever that is, I must look for this building as I don’t recognise it.

Comment by: PaulP on 20th July 2024 at 13:38

I do not think I have encountered a front door like that before with 3 separate letterboxes.

As depressing as this picture looks I suppose the building is at least being used, not just derelict.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th July 2024 at 13:50

Thanks to both Derek and Colin. I must have gone around with my eyes shut! I now realise where it is.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 20th July 2024 at 13:57

Apologies Dennis, I overlooked to thanks you for the photo.
Perhaps one day someone will take better care of these histor1c buildings.

Comment by: Cyril on 20th July 2024 at 16:41

We should be thankful to Dennis and Colin too for bringing to our attention photos of areas of Wigan town centre that have become austere. Arcade Street was once a vibrant, thriving thoroughfare, but now only the flag of Ireland is throwing any colour onto the dour street. (even if the wrong way around, but that's Barney for you, though he's got the Shamrock right).
I haven't been along there now for quite a few years, the last time would have been when David (Rev. Long) had one of his very popular charity bookshops in the shop to the right of this building.

Comment by: Brown nosing Bob on 20th July 2024 at 18:49

Apologies dennis I overlooked thaking you for the photo.

Comment by: e on 20th July 2024 at 21:06

I’m happy to be aware of , these bricks and how they’ve grown ,
this door that holds forgotten , well it doesn’t just for me ,
for within myself I hold its truth and every paint upon it
coz , with every brush, the painter made
I feel them write my name ..
I maybe now discarded
throw casts of different lines
but smile at wisdom’s doorway ,
if one , to Natures mind ?

Comment by: Billy the Post on 20th July 2024 at 23:31

Is there any reason for 1 door having 3 letterboxes.

Comment by: Dave johnson on 21st July 2024 at 02:19

Remember this being a bookies about 35 yrs ago?

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