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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 15th July, 2024)


Wasn’' this a Pub originally?

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,393

Comment by: John Noakes on 15th July 2024 at 00:55

It was the Dog and Partridge. A clue is on the sign.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th July 2024 at 01:42

It’s the Gun & Cartridge but a few years back it was the Dog & Partridge that was very popular.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th July 2024 at 01:48

Correction; Dog & Cartridge selling Guns..

Comment by: PeterP on 15th July 2024 at 06:49

Yes the Dog and Partridge

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 15th July 2024 at 07:15

I remember going in there when it was The Dog and Partridge pub years ago. The gun shop was on High Street then and was a really old-fashioned shop. My husband bought guns and cartridges from there. I thought it was such a good idea to call it the Dog and Cartridge when it moved into the old pub building.
I know Dennis won't mind my going off the subject but does anyone know if Garry (of the sherry-and-coal-fire), is okay? He hasn't posted for a very long time. I hope he's alright.

Comment by: freddie on 15th July 2024 at 07:34

one of the first jobs i worked on as an apprentice when pub was refitted in appx 1969

Comment by: Tiny Tim on 15th July 2024 at 08:00

Not many businesses have daughters mentioned and their shop signs.
I wonder if they are good shots.

Comment by: Poet on 15th July 2024 at 08:01

What happened here was a disgrace. . A thriving pub that was often packed . On the Tuesday evening quiz night you couldn't get a seat . Weekends it was heaving . The more successful this pub became the more the brewery put up the rent . It was like a fine on success . Eventually the landlady gave up .
I remember Janet leaving , posting the keys through the letter box .
Sheer greed by the brewery was the reason for this pubs demise .

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th July 2024 at 08:29

As I said previously it was at one time a very popular pup. CAMRA used to hold meetings there and they held quiz nights, the large bar in the centre served from both sides.
I don’t know who last had it but it seemed to lose its appeal and then if I recall correctly there was a fire and it never reopened.
McAvoy’s Gun shop used to be on the High Street prior to taking over and renaming it The Dog and Cartridge, quite clever really.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th July 2024 at 09:49

I came across this bit of information:
The Dog & Partridge was originally the home of the Mason family, recorded being there from the 1850's on census records. Richard Mason Snr was listed as ''Sinker In Coal Pits'' on the 1851 census and by 1861the premises was being used as a beer house, so the Inn started off sometime in the 1850's.
Listed Landlords at the Inn were Richard Mason Snr (1850-68), Richard Mason Jnr (1868-71), Henedge Finch (1881), William John Rotherham West (1890), Isabella West aka Davenport (1891-1905) and William Clarkson (1911-24).
The Oldfield Brewery, Poolstock was providing Ale at the Inn in the early 1900's

Comment by: John (Westhoughton) on 15th July 2024 at 13:59

Poet thanks for your comment yesterday,Colin not received the photos yet hopefully soon,Dennis after seeing yesterday’s PAD I certainly feel like going for a couple of Galloways pies,and don’t agree with Gunshops I’m posting a little early as don’t seem to get any response after 9pm maybe everyone gone to bed (big smiley face)

Comment by: John (westhoughton) on 15th July 2024 at 17:38

Sorry Dennis for intervening but just to let people know my friend from Bickershaw and me have raised over £1000 with yesterday’s bike ride for the Burns Unit that saved his grandsons life.

Comment by: Steve on 15th July 2024 at 18:24

John don't bother with Galloways pies, go to Robinsins convenient store on Preston road were they sell pies made in Chorley

Mrs Gents pies on Pepper lane are also very good, but if you want the best go to Handleys on Pall Mall Chorley.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 15th July 2024 at 19:02

Oh, well done, John (Westhoughton), and your friend too!! What a wonderful achievement. xxxxx

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 15th July 2024 at 19:32

John (Westhoughton) please check your Junk Emails, or maybe what I sent was too large it went to jbc……. If you know what I mean.
If not, let me know on tomorrow’s pad or drop me a line.
Cheers, Colin.

Comment by: John (westhoughton) on 15th July 2024 at 22:29

Steve will give the Pal Mal shop a try as Colin has got me going to Chorley for a change and parking is cheap.Thanks Irene it’s £1,359.00 now amazing and like they say pain is gain.

Comment by: Poet on 16th July 2024 at 07:56

Give that man a cee-gar .
John , do you still go through puddles with same joy as when a boy ?

Comment by: John(Westhoughton) on 16th July 2024 at 11:02

Poet you have got me laughing (memories)
I do try to avoid as you never know how deep they are but three of us rode through a flooded 100 yard stretch of a back road to Grange over Sands from Arside and reaching for my phone to try and video us riding along the centre which was still a foot deep I dropped it then got really wet retrieving it so maybe yes to your question (smiley face)

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