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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 19th June, 2024)

Tongue Tied

Tongue Tied
Orrell Water Park. This goose is defending its young from the dog by sticking its tongue out at it!

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,274

Comment by: Broady on 19th June 2024 at 00:46

I wondered where that goose had disappeared to.

Comment by: PeterP on 19th June 2024 at 05:25

Would have thought the dog should have been kept on a lead around wild fowl. Yet another example of an irresponsible owner

Comment by: Ex Speed Cop on 19th June 2024 at 09:59

Dog owners think nothing about wildlife or anything else for that matter.
It's just them and the dog.

Comment by: TerryW on 19th June 2024 at 14:05

Not all are like that Billinge Biker.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 19th June 2024 at 17:41

I agree ex speed cop. There's none more ignorant than dog owners. Your comment is spot on "It's just them and their dog."

Comment by: . Ozy . on 19th June 2024 at 20:50

Would I be correct in assuming that you have never personally been the keeper of an animal of any description George… from Hindley ?

The same question applies to yon ex-speed cop from Billinge Heyer eend .

To employ the vernacular ; the pair of you are speaking nothing short of bo**ocks .

I don’t suppose either of you could possibly be a little more specific with regards to your reasoning as to why
you both seem to be in agreement with the term “ It’s just them and their dog “… could you ?

Could either of you give a plausible explanation to justify this sweeping statement ? , ‘cos quite frankly , I’m mystified .

And just in case you’re curious , I don’t happen to own a dog , although I have previously owned several .

I say the pair of you are spouting nowt but cr*p .

Would either of you care to challenge that statement ?

Comment by: Maureen on 19th June 2024 at 22:22

Please save your breath Ozy..they’re just ignorant..I bet they’ve never loved an animal in their lives.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 19th June 2024 at 22:58

I would. First, there's the crapping and peeing all over the place, not in 'their' place, oh no, but in front of anybody elses place, on the pavements, public parks, you name it. They don't care. Of course, there are the exceptions who do clean up. Unfortunately, they are tarred with the same brush as the many who don't.
Then there's the 'making a fuss of him / her'. They let their dogs jump all over you with the old saying "oh, he likes you" or "oh, she doesn't bite" etc., in the meantime they don't care about the mud all over your trousers leg. Also the smell in the houses where dogs live is disgusting. Yes, they do smell although the owners don't realise it due to being 'nose-blind'. They are an animal, for God's sake.

Comment by: DTease on 20th June 2024 at 00:15

George, you say “they are an animal”, well so are we and we crap and pee just like them and when we have crapped and peed we chuck it all in the rivers and kill all the fish and other wildlife.
I don’t think we are in any position to complain about dogs George.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 20th June 2024 at 01:06

Sorry George , ( from Hindley ) … but how was I to know that you had previously had the unfortunate experience of being “ liked “ by a dog ?

I find it difficult to imagine how traumatic an experience that must have been for you , and even more difficult to imagine how the said event could possibly even have occurred if it comes to that .

But since we have your assurance that the event actually took place , and having suffered the life changing trauma of ending up with mud on your trousers ,
“ ( bloody hell … I’ve got got a bit of slutch on mi keks here Dorothy ) “
I’m struggling to fathom why on earth you could possibly even consider entering the stinky home of a person who owns a dog.

And did you inform the owner of the place that it stank to high heaven ?

Come on , George who lives in Hindley , … did you ?… I’m guessing you didn’t …am I right George ? …. from somewhere east of Wiggin .

Why am I even asking ?

And regarding the question of crapping and peeing all over the shop George ( who resides in Hindley apparently )… have you never taken a leak behind some bush in the park occasionally … I know I have .. haven’t you ?

Come on now George from Hindley …be honest now .

I’m going to bed now George , but I promise I’ll dip into the site early doors on the 21st just to read your response.

Ozy .

Comment by: Veronica on 20th June 2024 at 07:05

There’s folk who misbehave far worse than dogs. Drunks vomiting, lazy drones who drop filth on the ground without a care in the world. I won’t mention what comes out of their mouths when they speak…. It’s the owners not the dogs that are at fault. Give me a dog any day and I don’t have one but my family have and I love her to bits. As for being an animal they have feelings as well.
Ps Some humans stink ….in more ways than one!

Comment by: Veronica on 20th June 2024 at 07:20

Ps the dog in the photo looks very well groomed. It’s got a lovely glossy coat on him/her. Plus the dog looks calm it’s the goose who’s ‘squaring up’ . The dog has as much right to be there as the goose has.
Take your arguments up with the owners George if you have a problem with a dog.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 20th June 2024 at 09:05

The dog wasn’t interested in the goose, he was just mooching around minding his own business.
The goose was just protecting the youngsters and was warning the dog to keep away.

Comment by: Pat McC on 20th June 2024 at 22:14

George - Intolerance, whether aimed at animals or people, has a very putrid smell of its own.

Comment by: Veronica on 23rd June 2024 at 07:38

That’s one sassy dog who wouldn’t look out of place sashaying down a red carpeted ‘cat walk’ !
Sign her up quick!

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