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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 10th April, 2024)

Rectory Farm, Standish

Rectory Farm, Standish
Picturesque and pretty in the sunshine of spring.

Photo: Colin Traynor  (iPhone)
Views: 2,089

Comment by: Ian on 10th April 2024 at 06:31

Very nice photograph, Colin.
Spring is in the air.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 10th April 2024 at 07:36

At least the weather over Easter was lovely, this photo was taken Easter Sunday morning with the Magnolia tree at its best,
It is one of three Grade ll listed buildings on the farm. The Barn has a Date Stone set in the wall as 1863, so the cottage probably pre dates that.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 10th April 2024 at 07:43

Correction: The Date Stone reads 1862.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 10th April 2024 at 08:58

Another pretty spring scene. The farmhouse looks an idyllic place to be.
I have an image in my head of Dennis & Colin furiously cycling around the Wigan area to find pictures for us on PAD !

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 10th April 2024 at 10:06

Helen, it’s a long time since I pedaled furiously anywhere!
I did ride a bike, but at a more sedate, gentlemanly pace. I used to ride for 2/3 hours a day and loved every minute of it. I would ride along the canal for an hour and half then turn round and ride back (It’s surprising how far you can get in a hour and a half on a bike). Sometimes around Rivington and Belmont, glorious in summer.
More than once I carried my bike up to the top of the Wutchie and rode it across the top.
I rode the length of the Whelley Loop Line from Ince to Adlington and back along the canal.
I rode to all the places I had explored as a kid and poked my nose in every nook and cranny that you could never get to in a car. How green was my valley then boys.

Comment by: Sandra on 10th April 2024 at 10:33

Looks nice.

Comment by: Veronica on 10th April 2024 at 10:41

A beautiful house to live in. A very large garden to tend as well. It does look well maintained.
One of my favourite films and book…’ How Green Was My Valley’…
Richard Llewelyn .

Comment by: David Barker on 10th April 2024 at 10:47

Excellent photograph Colin, could do with some of that sunshine today.

Comment by: Maureen on 10th April 2024 at 10:52

Dennis, I’ve still got my bike but haven’t got the lung power for it any more..there’s simply nothing like going through the countryside and experience all the lovely smells of nature … the flowers the fields, stopping every so often to say hello to the sheep, cows, horses, pure heaven to me.. I miss it all .. I can’t get rid of my bike even though it’s been made redundant..I’d give anything to get on it again ..before I sign off I must tell you what colour it is though.. it’s pink, lilac and white and it’s a racer.

Comment by: Poet on 10th April 2024 at 11:18

We called that Johnty's Farm when I was a boy. . Johnty hated us cutting through his wheat to go fishing in the pond in the middle of the field .
The barn still has nesting holes for Swallows and there's quite a few of them in summer .
The Magnolia tree looks magnificent . Good picture .

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 10th April 2024 at 11:25

What a beautiful photo....I missed Dennis's yesterday's as we were at the caravan and there was a problem with the internet but I've just had a look and it's a beautiful scene. Colin, I love that beautiful farm- house and the magnolia tree but the name always makes me smile. because years ago I worked in my friend's pub and they were decorating. Her husband Tommy said he wanted a certain shade of paint that began with an "A" but couldn't remember what it was, I was racking my brains, trying to think what it was, and coming up with "Alabaster", "Alyssium", "Amaryllis" etc etc but he just kept saying "No, that's not it". I actually ended up with a headache and had to take some paracetamol when he suddenly said, "I've got it.....Magnolia!"

Comment by: Meg on 10th April 2024 at 11:28

Lovely photo Colin. It's such a pity the blossom falls so quickly but it's beautiful while it lasts.

Comment by: Cyril on 10th April 2024 at 11:31

A pleasant photo Colin, and with blue sky, though usually whenever the spring blossoms emerge there's nearly always heavy rain along with a cold wind blowing the petals everywhere.

Comment by: Derek on 10th April 2024 at 12:42

It used to be a nasty smelly place to live a few years ago, thank god they cleaned it up.
Read all about it in the Daily Mirror.


Comment by: Cyril on 10th April 2024 at 14:06

I do remember that pit spoil heap fire Derek, and the choking fumes and smoke coming from it, and the row of houses that where in the thick of it.

Despite objections by nearby residents and even the council refusing planning permission too, the developers got the decision overturned.


The housing shortage seems to have started a building frenzy at Standish, I've noticed there's also a development on the old dumping site off Chorley Road Worthington.

Comment by: John Dunn on 10th April 2024 at 14:56

The house might look idyllic but there's more important things to take into consideration when praising a property.
This area must be the hardest place to get out of by car because Bradley lane is jam packed with the lorries from the trading estate and right up to the A49, and if you go the other way, you have little railway bridges which are now controlled by traffic lights.I live on Greenwood ave and some of them make short cuts through our estate only to find they get in another queue when they reach Rectory lane.
Standish is a nightmare, when my aunties who lives a couple of miles away in Shevington dies Ill be moving into her old house.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 10th April 2024 at 15:32

Good afternoon all, thanks for the nice comments.
Just back from a very wet and windy day in Wigan and Warrington. Nice lunch in the Barley Mow on the Old Market Square in Warrington, built in 1561 it has plenty of character and original features, I highly recommend a visit. Google it for a good view of the outside.
Helen, I don't even furiously walk let alone pedal! I see that Dennis has a bike, so has John (Westhoughton). As far as a bike is concerned, not for me, especially in weather like todays. All that pedalling up hill would not do for me let alone my balance, I don't think I would get to the end of the road without falling off. I rely on my bus pass and then as far as my legs will take me at a leisurely pace.
Since getting rid of the car last year can sometimes be a bit restricting but now I'm amazed how much more there is to see, pausing regularly to take in even the simplest of things.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 10th April 2024 at 15:50

Derek, Cyril and John Dunn,
I do remember those old slag heaps, they used to smoke and give off fumes, thanks fully they were cleared as I think they were on the point bursting into flames.
The frenzied house building around Standish would seem to be out of control, even ten years ago at peak periods I used used to come off the motorway and queue for thirty minutes before getting to the traffic light at Standish. Now you can be queuing from the Cherry Gardens or Pepper Lane. And there is a big estate going up down Bradley Lane.
Limited parking in Standish and no increases in services, education, doctors or infrastructure to cope with all this.
For the first time ever I am not voting at this coming election, the insignificant achievement these so called councillors boast about make me laugh. its not worth the effort.

Comment by: Mark on 10th April 2024 at 16:30

John Dunn agreed, a horrible place for traffic, not an easy place to go.
Its a far cry to what people think.

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